Monday, November 20, 2023


Kuch Khaas 

This version man omg. Make me fall in love over and over and over again. Break my heart and I won't complain. 

Fuck, every single note just stabs me with its beauty. The pitch he starts at right at the beginning, just knew from the first sound it's going to be special. 

Remember the first time I came across it, almost a year ago, and my mind was instantly like howww do you know it, who areee you? Lol. There's so much beauty in your soul, M. That's the thing about music, it gives an instant window into someone's heart. I was just stunned. In a far corner of the world, one I had never thought about, is a person that has existed for so long, doing his thing - living, laughing, playing, getting angry, being patient, being impulsive, being cheeky, being sweet to people when they don't know it (which I'm 80% sure is your MO), going to fucking Gibraltar and playing tennis with a kid on a random eve, then hiding it for years lol and a chance circumstance made that path cross so randomly. Odds were in favour and I'm glad they were. 

I play my life by instincts and it was actually this song that told me it's okay to trust you tbh. No platitudes, no observations of traits, just this. You made me want to trust someone new for the first time in years. I've never asked you for anything, I never know how to ask anyone for anything I suppose, but two songs I take from you, and in them find so much love. Thank you.  ♥️πŸ™ƒ

How can anyone come across you and not just love you? Simply not possible. I won't ask you questions that you don't bring up yourself or aren't willing to tell me.  It's up to you how much you want to include me in your life but I have to say... you have noooo clue how special you are. None! 

Looks like I'm going to hear this on repeat.

Damn it's making me a lil teary and I don't want to know why. 

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