Monday, November 27, 2023


I don't understand people. I just don't. Straight up do not. And lately it's started to feel like it's kinda pointless to even try. 

In the midst of all this, I discovered that someone I used to be friends with is obsessively prying into my life even now. Like what the fuck dude. After all this time has passed!! Not only is this behaviour unhinged asf, it's also so damn intrusive! 

I feel extremely violated and so utterly repulsed. Fuck. I don't even know what to say like to do this behind someone's back and with such terrifying frequency?! After all the nasty stuff he said to me! I should give up on being nice to people, they don't deserve it and this behaviour is just appalling. I'm genuinely just shocked and I find it unforgivable. Just wish he would move on with his life and leave me the fuck alone. 

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