Saturday, November 18, 2023


Omg played long game finally, two pieces down, still managed to equalise then missed mate in two holy fuck hahahhah. I need to play slower but this was SO FUN! FUUUUCK. 

It's some weird psychology but being a piece down really makes me concentrate hard and actually think as opposed to be lazy. Shouldn't be using that as a crutch though. Okay and my goal here is to just slowly think 4 moves deep before I play each move. I need to train myself to do that so it becomes a habit. 

Also, random Italian music is my chess music omgggg. Yessss. It's just the right tempo and sweetness without making me want to run up a hill. ♥️

Edit: okay played another. Was so fun. Got a decent position then idk lost concentration and lost the game but it was really engaging. Think I'm gonna stop at Max 3 long games. And I haaave to start having less time than the time I start with πŸ’€. Goal 2! Lol. Woohoo! 

Edit2: Fuck it, seems like I can't stop at only 3 so might as well just commit to playing 15+10 now on. πŸ’€

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