Friday, November 17, 2023

Had some random ass person on my chess group make a case for piracy like wtf. First time in ages I actually lost my temper for a bit and engaged on this topic. And it's so irritating when people adopt that MBA GD style way of talking like as if the points they are making aren't just horseshit, but something very worldly and wise and worth considering. πŸ’€ 

And the worst part of this entire useless discussion was him later saying he is an author. At that point I wanted to cry. Like seriously. Lol, it's so hard to not be snarky and say all those cutting things that come to my mind. Vv tough to be polite at times. 

Speaking of chess, it seems I spend a good 2-2.5 hours a day playing stupid 3+0 so I think I need to divert that into atleast playing one or two longer games and get in that habit. Been saying it forever, but haven't yet actually gotten into the habit and it's stupid not to. Lmc if I need to just schedule it for a set time or if I can manage to start my day with coffee and chess instead of coffee and 3+0. Or play while using the bike. Either way, atleast one long game a day and at night I can look up older games, I was having fun doing that anyway. Ugh. So easy to slip out of schedules sometimes. Sheesh. 


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