Sunday, November 26, 2023

Yesterday I went for a drive. It was getting dark, very cloudy and then started to pour. Took the wrong turn and drove city side for a bit then had to turn around. Decided to take the toll road and go to the outskirts. Felt a bit tired and contemplated coming back home but then pushed through. Turns out the tollway for coming back was clogged with traffic and my mind was like oh boy no way. So kept driving ahead just so I could avoid coming back too soon and it was just absolutely beautiful on the highway. Low hanging clouds, little dark but not too much. The semi hilly landscape always makes it feel like the sky has come on down to visit me. I love the expansiveness. Drove on for a bit and then came back around. This time the tollway was free, the traffic was gone. 

Sometimes in life it feels like a perceived setback might just be a slight delay but when you come back around, things would be okay. 

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