Saturday, November 4, 2023

Sometimes I wish I had a trainer who trains me so relentlessly that all I can do is get back home and fall fast asleep. 

People who have trouble sleeping. I wonder what it is that ails them. I know what ails me from time to time. Just the feeling of stuckness that is relentless in it's pointlessness. 

Possibly the by product of this hyperactive world. Idk. Oh troubles, you trouble me so. You keep me busy, and in your absence I wonder where'd you go. 

Yeah that was my attempt at being poetic. Idk, slow day. What can I say? 

Somedays Franny and Zooey makes way too much sense and I don't like it. Would prefer to go back in time to the point where it made no sense at all and I wondered why someone would write such absolute drivel. 

And for some reason I want to smell the smell of freshly baked bread. Go figure. 

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