Wednesday, November 29, 2023


Hmmm. Played a 15+10 today. It was interesting. Tried my hardest to calc for opponent s moves and I think I was atleast thinking of variations for 75% of the time. I'm determined to get this right tbh. Idc how many games I lose, I want that visualisation to become innate. I think playing this on a board is what might help though. I remember even playing chessle and that helped me lots. Maybe I should go back to trying that out again too. Lmc. There has to be a way to solve this. 


Okay played another and held the concentration for ever. This was good. Although the pressure got to the opponent more than anything else. And I did miss one check by the opponent cuz didn't take enough time. Hmmm. I don't want games to be about winning, I want to define it more as set goals and see if I get them right. 

You know? I really really think that for adult improvers there haaaaas to be some form of training tool that can do the job. There just has to be. I haven't figured it out yet, but let me jot my thoughts down and see if there is something here. I really feel like there might be. 

Hmmm. What kind of data could I even use here? Interesting. I just knooooow there is a basic level solution that can be designed here. If avg people can run marathons then people can atleast improve till 2200 rating starting from scratch. πŸ’€

I am really enjoying this though. Genuinely lovely to think, it's great. 

Edit2: okay I played another holy fuck that was fun and so addictive. Dayum. Loved it. Missed some v basic stuff but I'm guessing it's cuz I'm slow rn. Wowz I can't wait until this becomes a habit imma have so much fun playing then. Love itttt

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