Thursday, November 16, 2023


One of my dads' friends is home for lunch. Man, so many people try to use my dad for favours fuck. Literally all his friends are folks who just swarm him the minute he is in town just so they can get stuff from him. Yuck. Makes me so sick. 

Then I have to remind myself that how you make someone feel is how they remember you, and it's not nice to be rude to someone just cuz you don't like them. But man, it's tough sometimes. Plus if dad is okay with them, then I can't particularly say anything, not my place to. 


I hate having to be nice to these fuckers yuck. Lol, I did not inherit even 1% of my grandads' political genes. I simply cannot force my face to smile or look pleasant when encountered with things I find annoying. πŸ’€ Just hate all this simpery and ingratiating behaviour from the bottom of my heart. And tomo I might have to drive them to meet that other friend of his too ugh. I think I'm just gonna get out of it somehow. 

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