Thursday, May 9, 2024

One lesson I'm learning from watching these 2100s play classical is to never get your queen in the enemy territory for no reason. Just becomes a 🎯 

Dunno why they all do it. I get frustrated in these games when I feel like half the game will go in a queen hunt and be v lop sided after. 

Or for some strange reason the opponent will randomly trade the queen and it doesn't make any sense to me cuz the game then just balances out instead of using it as a way to develop your side while attacking theirs. Dunno how correct I am about this but lmc more analysis to figure. 

Like I just don't get why this is necessary 

Plus post the trade I feel like neither side actually has wondered about the resulting position. In that sense I feel like the games are very modular. A series of tiny battles. Guess it's tough to actually calculate something so deep too so must be why. I wanna watch few more then play some myself. Bet I'll blunder some random shit after all this easily. 

The thing that hampers me a lot is knowing I'm playing lmao. Just added pressure of wanting to do everything right and it actually just distracts so much from even basics. How will I ever learn if I don't let this go? 


Edit: this game was painful. randomly gave up a rook for a bishop when there was no need. Couldn't bear to watch as white gave up all advantage 😔 

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