Saturday, May 18, 2024


Heard an entire lecture on psychopathy while out running and I'm struck by one thing. How tf does anyone even measure empathy on a scale? Or decide what are and aren't acceptable levels? 

Some of these metrics used just seem a bit sketch at times. 

It says psychopaths just do everything premeditated. Especially manipulation. That's quite a scary thought. But the same trait, if applied to science... Would yield good results. And a person prone to doing good research, if they end up having a natural capacity and predisposition to have foresight, that would give them the ability to focus and problem solve well. I don't know if there are any overlaps around these lines actually. 

I think in general people who are manipulative must have some elements of psychopathy in them. You have to be able to view someone as an object in order to try and do that, right? 

I don't know. My thoughts about all this are too disordered and I don't have enough info. 

The most disturbing part of this is how they are supposedly so cunning that they end up being v charming and have people fooled. I've only known one person like that and yes, she is extremely deceptive and also in some strange way prone to wanting every male's attention in her vicinity etc. Hmmm. But even she is someone everyone now avoids so I'm not sure about how much she fools anyone. In fact, lmao. I seem to have stuck around a lot of folks who many people avoid haha. Oops. 

But fuck, it's so interesting. The human mind is fascinating asf. 

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