Sunday, May 26, 2024

We spoke about her ex husband. How he would do nothing, take money from her and wasn't even bothered to try being nice. When her mum was in the hospital, he went around complaining about how he didn't like the room. A guy who got his education funded by his parents and doesn't earn shit, having the entitlement to say that to people who pay for him. Who took money from her but was cheating on her all along and never even bothered to be decent to her family. Wouldn't even fucking pay for food he ordered at their house when he visited cuz he didn't want to eat at home. That's how cheap and pathetic he was. A guy who wouldn't pay for his own food at his ex wives' parents' house while accepting their hospitality. Yuck. I do not get how she married him either tbh. How do you accept the human equivalent of runny diarrhoea in your life?

I do not get it. I do not get how people like this exist. 

I believe at the core of every human interaction lies a transaction. It may not be a romantic word but you have a duty to people who are good to you. And you are in their debt when they are good to you of their own will. I have always strongly believed in this, esp the part where I feel duty bound to folks who have been good to me. That is a very core tenet for me, something that got more ingrained since I am a military kid and duty, honor, respect...all of these are pillars that keep a foundation solid. 

Accepting someone's care, concern, kindness without feeling an obligation to give something back in return is just accepting fucking charity. 

People like this are fucking beggars of their own making. Low class vermin. 

Lmao. This is why I hate narcissists too. They are the exact same way. Just take, take, take and give nothing back. Then again, you can't expect beggars to give anything back. Lame. 

I am just fed up with people. Seriously. Just fucking shit. I will never entertain someone like this in my life ever fuck that. 

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