Thursday, May 30, 2024

Hmmm. I don't really know what's going on out of the blue, or why he is being so strange but I'm also kinda tired of having to be put in this spot tbh. 

All of this just reminds me of A. She was so insecure and would for years just keep taking offence at random things then treating me badly. The underlying vindictiveness, spite and the desire to cause harm was so ingrained there and I always hated that behaviour. She is just emotionally abusive to be honest. Lol, like the time she took offence at Ed Sheeran song lyrics like fuck. That was so unreal. 💀

Not sure why this reminds me of that now, but either way. There are good, respectful ways to resolve conflict if there is any. Although I can't even imagine what it could be and the entire process of second guessing is not a situation someone should put you in. Hopefully it's nothing but idk why it seems like something is up. 

Blah. A lot of this just feels very unnatural at times lol but bottom line is I do not wish to be harmed by anyone. Idk man.  

Lol, first dealing with some random creepy stalker that is emailing me bras, and now someone acting weird out of the blue. 

Heh, life just refuses to be peaceful at times. 

Oh well. 

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