Monday, May 13, 2024

Tiny things

Heh... Yesterday, I just said happy mothers' day to some friends and their moms. And everyone wished back except M. Would it have been so hard to wish my mom for once? Lol. 

It's such a small thing, just a simple... "Wish your mum the same." And yet he didn't even think to do so. Heh. That's the funny bit. I'm pretty certain it actually just didn't occur to him that my mom matters, and matters to me. :) How sad huh? 

Inconsiderateness towards me I can handle but the thought of anyone being inconsiderate towards my family or friends is deffo not something I will. Hmmm. 

Not reading too much into it, just can't help noticing these tiny things at times. Plus he chose not to wish me on my bday too so like... Blah. 

Anyway, no point thinking of these things why bother? 🤷‍♀️ Chuck it. 

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