Thursday, May 16, 2024

Oh great. Just scrolling and found another post and idk what kind of gems will show up there, hopefully none. 

I am just pissed off rn. Like seriously. I hate reading shit stuff about him and for once I'd like it if someone just wrote something goddamn nice. 

I am legit angry at the moment man. So much I feel like ranting. I want to actually just tell him a few things to be honest. But I don't really know how to. And I don't like difficult conversations either. I just wish he would realise a few things on his own though, it's all very well to not care about stuff but it sucks to have to read vile stuff written about him all the time. And in general I have my own perspective on certain things but sharing that would mean having a very naked conversation with him and I don't know if he would like it or even if I would like it cuz you can't tell with these things. There are a few things I feel he does objectively wrong and I wish he didn't. Even if it's for the sake of perception. I'm not jaded nor am I unaware of the nature of the world but he kind of seems to be oblivious to it at times and I just wish he wasn't. Ugh. This is just me wanting to protect him to be honest but how would I ever communicate that in a neutral way? Idk. I hate this helplessness. 


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