Monday, May 27, 2024

I feel at ease these days. Back to being my happy old self more or less. Whew. I had missed her these few years but now I'm baaack. 

An old friend also reached out. He actually is so sweet he remembers me yearly lmao. Went to some concert in Prague and it happened to be one of the bands he had introduced me to which I had loved. Sent me an entire video of the show and it looked so good. 

+ Tiny gestures like these somedays just feel great. 

I really appreciate it when something reminds someone of me and they check in with me. I have actually just missed these tiny gestures cuz I find them so meaningful. 


I've never been enamoured with the fance side of life, I love the humanness of thoughtful gestures the most. I think it's one of the most important things in life for me. People who have my heart, my goodwill and my love are always the ones who are caring towards me cuz I always notice it and it always makes me feel warm and gooey on the inside like a warm, caramelly sticky toffee pudding.

And now I want some sticky toffee pudding. 

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