Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Read something about Rensch being born in an abusive cult and having a shit childhood. Damn dude. You never know sometimes what kind of background someone has... So sad. And he had a kid by 20 like wtf. I feel like people try to work their demons out by having sex that's needlessly risky. And it makes me feel bad to think of those kids too. Rensch seems like a good dude, a good dad. Thank god. Plenty of people aren't. 

I sincerely believe that a man comes into his own when he is able to put aside his circumstances and take accountability for himself, his family and in general turns into a dependable guy who is able to be responsible, not just be someone that keeps inflicting their past shit on others and carrying that shit legacy forward. The men I know, who I respect are men in the true sense of the word. V, Ak, even J to be honest. They have all been v responsible when it comes down to their own kin and friends and you can trust them implicitly. I'm glad dude. Esp V. He had a lot of challenges growing up, but now he is not just a military man, he is such a doting son and husband. I respect that. I hope Rensch is too. Don't know much about him, but atleast he persevered and made something out of himself and didn't let his childhood change his adulthood. You can always tell that when someone can openly talk about their challenges. People assume it takes vulnerability, but in reality it takes strength. Nothing weak about overcoming stuff, and being able to speak about it. It just shows self reliance cuz that shit thing doesn't have power over you anymore. Heh. For that, I respect him, truly. 

And Sagar. Lmao. Being the innocent adorable Indian he is, I don't think he understood the implications of what Danny was even trying to hint at. Lol. I just have such a soft corner for these kinda boys, they don't realise it but their hearts, minds, morals and principles are all in the right place and they are so innocent it's sometimes hard for them to grasp certain realities. Still. Love that about him. 

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