Friday, May 10, 2024


Ohhhh so the g4 move I kept seeing in professors' d4  games, the very first game of his that fascinated me, because of how utterly attacking it was... Was a Leela move. I kept thinking at the time that I had never seen something like that and how it was so devastating every single time.Niiiiiice. And he says it hasn't been played yet at the highest levels only 3k odd lichess games have shown it before. Engines are crazy strong. That's usually said without thinking, and taken as a given but I haven't ever delved into the actual depth of what that means or fully appreciated it. And it's from the contempt setup too. Fuck. I wish I had the chess skill to actually test out shit on leela holy crap I love this. 

I gotta try to learn some of these lines and then try them out in actual long games would be absolutely fun. 

One of the really cool key things about Leela in this position he says is its ability to actually distinguish g4 as a good move and try to play against it, as opposed to stockfish and Komodo who simply see it as a free pawn and look to equalise. Leela recommends nd7 against it, knowing that you should not open the file. That is a good showcase of how even engines are with their own limits. It's also scary how advanced this algo must be to be able to intuit stuff in a manner of speaking. Fuck dude, the depth at which this game can be played is mind blowing. 

This entire game is very attacking and sharp. Trying to absorb it took so much time and I'm still seeing someone explain the analysis not even doing it myself. The depth and accuracy and time this needs makes my head hurt lol. I started feeling fatigue by the second hour.

I have to say though, even at 49, professor is still sitting and digging out lines and novelties that's quite a love he has for the game. Respect. 

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