Wednesday, May 8, 2024


I am checking out some of Sadler's Leela analysis. That man has been testing out new ideas all this while on lichess lmao. I love that curiosity and he is fantastic at explaining to boot. What a gem his channel is. 

From what I gather, Leela typically likes to gambit in a sense. Sac a pawn say G5 in a bb5 Sicilian just to open files and gather initiative. Saw similar ideas in grunfeld and modern too. Gives way to a lot of attacking chess. Then switched to seeing some classical game on lichess and some 2100 was playing and man it was so awful. Finally I can atleast tell the difference between really good play v mediocre cuz fuck that game was mediocre. Moving the queen 10x times in the opponent side finally to trade it off, no piece coordination, and I could tell that one of the most critical parts of the game was when white didn't trade a pawn properly and that made the game totally unhinged. Ran analysis and I was right about all three critical points of the game where mistakes were made. Felt so good. For lack of better word, lower rated games now appear sluggish in that they start to battle for some miniscule thing but it doesn't actually get all the pieces involved so it looks more like a scuffle instead of an all out attack. Not sure if that analogy is accurate but that's how it seems to me at the moment. Really excited to figure out more. 

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