Monday, May 13, 2024

Modern Family

Watching an episode of Modern Family called Regrets Only. I actually related to some of the stuff in it. Esp the bits where you feel overlooked and unimportant when your partner seems to not pay attention or listen to you and they do this unconsciously so you just feel like you don't matter. Dayum. So true. 

I always find it hard to verbalise this but it cuts me very deep when I feel like my existence is merely to make someone else feels good about themselves but they in turn don't actually ask or pay attention to me. And I can always tell when someone is all about themselves. So many people in my life have been like that. Not partners though, except V. I hope that never happens again. In fact, most times in life it's actually been good esp with AK and J. They were both very concerned about me and wanted to know me well and were very sweet and attentive and loving. I always felt very cherished with them. I guess they are somewhat of a benchmark in my mind when it comes to good relationships, because both knew intuitively how to be close and how to show love and affection. Hehe. Nice. I'm pretty sure when I do fall in love, it'll be with a man who is intuitively in sync with me in that sense. And for all the little things like these that matter to me so much. I think that's more or less what I'm looking for. Someone who makes me feel loved in tangible ways, makes me feel like I matter to them and makes me feel at ease. I'm used to being supportive of people in my life and I think it's only fair for them to be the same towards me as well. 

Jay ends it with how important listening is in a marriage and I agree. I think both people should make sure the other knows how valued and appreciated they are to keep things happy and balanced. 

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