Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Breaking the cycle

The thing with the past experiences is - if they were bad, sometimes we just get so stuck trying not to repeat the mistakes made then that we unwittingly damage our future by being assholes at times to people whose fault it wasn't. Or by projecting our apprehension on them at times. 

I think I've done that a few times. I was never like that before but yeah, I definitely did make that mistake post A. Still, I stopped and pulled back and I don't think I actively inflicted any meanness on anyone anyway. I'm glad. 

But just as I don't intend to make anyone feel the brunt of this, I also don't want to be on the receiving end of bullshit for stuff I didn't do wrong to anyone. I think I have paid that price for no reason, when I was subjected to someone's fears and paranoias and I don't see why I should be made to make up for errors that were made by other people in their lives. So unfair. I will not entertain this shit though. I've made up my mind about that. If someone doesn't see the good in me, it's cool. Going forward, that will just be my cue move on and find people who do. 🤷‍♀️

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