Monday, May 20, 2024

Getting emails for push up bras shipped to someone under my name. This is so fucking weird.  ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

Felt super sus. Yuck. The last name of the building is the same as mine, it's addressed to my pet name that not many people know, it's right after I clicked pics. Fuck. Better not be  that guy again god it would be unbelievably sad if his life hasn't moved on even after so damn long. It's shipped to the city he lived in. Been a year and a half so like pls. Hopefully not and it's just some random coincidence but he is the only one who knows all these deets. ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ

Why did I ever know that guy fuck. Even without this just remembered how much crazy shit he has pulled and it's so fucking gross. Had forgotten. 

Plus I yelled at him, blocked him a while back what more can I even do? 

Ugh. Even the thought of him makes me want to puke all over again. 

But like honestly a year and a half later, after me being clear I don't want anything to do with him... if he is still around then honestly he just needs help. I can't bring myself to believe that he would sink this low though. It's crossing over to such completely cheap and disgusting category. Idk man. This kinda shit v tacky guys do and I can't think he is that low class. I sincerely hope not cuz not only is it disturbing if he is still obsessed with me, but it's also vv crazy to do stuff like this. 

Just hope this is a random coincidence and nothing more. Lol. Worst part is you never know if some shit is a technical glitch or what too. Except it just feels sus that I talk about push up bras and one gets shipped under my name, to my id and right after. And it's not as if my nick name is common so idek. 


Blah... I'm sick and tired of people being shitty.


All I ever wanna do is live my own life quietly without hassles sheesh. Idk but I don't want to think about it cuz it's creeping me the fuck out so much. It's scary and creepy and v disturbing fuck. I don't like this at all. 

And if it's just a coincidence then whatever.  Fuck you googs for making me paranoid. ๐Ÿ’€

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