Friday, May 17, 2024

First laugh of the day just seeing that clip lmaooo. That sounds he made hahahah. Fuck. Ugh... He is sooo goofy at times zomg. Such an ass. All my annoyance also melted off. Well, I wasn't annoyed at him, just at the world in general that keeps shitting on him. I hate how hurtful it must be for him to read that shit about himself. It's just horrid. What a tough and shitty spot to be in. Fuck it, fuck the world. I won't let them colour my opinion. Not right to put someone under such stress either and I've seen how idiotically sensationalist some people are, won't believe them over my own judgement. 

Ughuhuhhuhuhh it seems hahahah. Silly fellow. Oh man, I'm laughing again at that fuck how does it come so naturally to him to be like that lmaoooo. TOTAL ASS. But one I'm vv fond of. ♥️

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