Monday, May 27, 2024

27 May 2024



This was the year I fell in love with clay. 
Coria was expected to destroy Gaudio, and on the day of the match everything in my soul told me no, Gaudio can do it. P was a huge Coria fan and I just remembered looking at her and thinking... Not today. And two sets down, I distinctly remember thinking... You know what... Fuck it, Gaudio can win this. And then just rooted for him with all my might and soul. 

This is a moment that was so significant to me somehow. Maybe my childish, stubborn heart did not want to relent and wanted the universe to make my wish come true. I don't know. But it happened. And till the end I was convinced it would. 

Year later, Rome masters finals. One of the finest clay court match I have ever witnessed. Coria-Nadal. 

Nadal winning, just a shade better than Coria at every instance. It told me this guy was special. He didn't need anyone to root for him, he will show you how it's done. 


I looked at his wife, getting a bit misty. I respected Federer for not showing up, he didn't want to take away any limelight I'm sure. And Djoko there cuz like it or not he considers Nadal his biggest rival. And all the others just standing by to pay homage to one of the greats. 


Now I feel like shedding a tear or two too. Damn. 


Heart of a complete champion 🏆 

Love you so much Rafa. 


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