Thursday, August 31, 2023


Sipping my coffee and reading the news. It's a nice lil mid morning routine. Was having a mild debate about property tax laws with Di, and it's interesting how she has more right/republican views while mine are left/democratic. I like when you can discuss things intensely but can also disagree politely.

Come to think of it, mental stimulation has truly been lacking for a while, almost a year more or less. Damn, makes me want to meet new people now... It's been a while since I had an engaging conversation with anyone, I miss the exchange of ideas and having a heart to heart with someone. Most people I grow close to are ones I can talk to, and whose intellect I respect, I've noticed. Even when S was in town, we hung out and turns out we hung out for a good 5 hours and didn't even realise it. And that was agggges ago! I haven't had that experience in a long time, or met a good conversationalist in forever. Actually kinda miss it. In general it's nice to be around people who can initiate conversations and carry them forward freely.

Time to make some changes, and find some like minded folks.

Where are you all hiding? Come to meeee! 

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