Monday, August 21, 2023

Dream Journal and Tennis Things

Had a dream about tiny tiger cubs and had one fall asleep in my arms while I was looking to find it a place to put it. Lol. And then I just carried it around to see where I can let it snooze but couldn't find any so it continues to stay in my arms. Lil thing would protest if I woke him up so I decided to cradle it and keep it safe.

Ps- That match was goated asf! Seeing Alcaraz cry in the end was so heartbreaking. Poor baby! What a champ he is. That 4th championship point he saved just made me reach the edge of ecstacy lmao. I just couldn't bear to watch, it was so so so insane! Loved it, absolutely one for the ages. Just seeing djoko stretched to the maximum and knowing alcaraz is a shade better is unreal. Really time for a new era to begin. Feels bittersweet really. I've spent all my life watching these three, and there's a sense of finality to it that I can't deny. The transience of life. Even djoko has come into his own, turned into a man of sorts. Doesn't show a hint of the annoying twat he used to be now, a lot more supportive and humble than he ever was. I like the change. Something about men coming into their own is joyful to see. There's so few examples I see of guys turning that corner, that I've learnt to bookmark it in my head. And he isn't a boy no more. Finally. :)

Damn, it was worth the lack of sleep and day long crankiness lol. Buuut I need to snooze omg 

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