Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Onam Dream Journal

Such a unique one this was. Saw M had put up some vid with all Indian decor, which surprised me and it had him just taking a vlog while people from the family bustled around prepping for the festival as it usually happens. A small kid was trying to tuck in the corners of a very pink and festive sheet fitted with silver, and I was thinking wow, haven't seen such brightness and festivity in a long time. Just kinda made me smile to think of the hustle and bustle and how bright and warm and inclusive festivals can be. Whether you believe in god or not, they do bring joy to kids and adults in their own way. And the dressing up is fun too.

And guess what? I woke up to realise it's onam today. :)

And incidentally, I made myself some coconut milk stew + dosa too. What are the odds lol.

To bountiful harvests, and happy omens and happy onam lol! 

And lots of love to my darling stubborn M, for finding a way into my dreams with his shenanigans. The worst thing about you is how adorable I find you, and how hard it is to stay mad at someone who is so childish. You're an ass dude. Just wanna flip you off so bad. 😅😒🤦‍♀️. Ugh. Still, it's onam so bigbighug, hope you are taking care of yourself. ♥️

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