Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Wish upon a star

Given how emotionally wrought my week was, I came to one conclusion. 

I'm incredibly grateful to the people who were and are my rocks - you guys are worth your weight in gold and are constant benchmarks that enable me to keep myself grounded and loved. Thank you for all the love you all give me, and give me without hesitation. 

A special mention to prawns. I know we don't talk anymore, but while our friendship lasted, you were one of my first genuine and most wonderful friends. I hope you are doing fine, I hope you are having fun in life. And above all, I hope you have moved on. You deserve the best, I hope you see that in yourself. Please put yourself out there and find a love that is deserving of you, I promise you'll find it and it'll be wonderful and wholesome. I hit 1900 in blitz  one day so I beat your stupid ass friend too, I'm sure you'd have loved to hear that and make a huge fuss for me. I'd ezpz kick your ass now as well so suck it. You are the one person who would have genuinely been happy for me for this lol, you saw my chess struggles like noone else. Otherwise, maybe smoke less pot but just keep doing you and keep moving forward. Happy belated birthday too, hope it was fun! I didn't forget, but I don't think us connecting again is good for either of us anymore. Live your life to the fullest and take care. 🫂

All in all, peace out, and hope we all tackle this journey of life with all the integrity we can muster. Here's to sunshine, healing, righting the wrongs and being light and happy. No problem too big that a little love won't fix after all. So let's gooooo!!! ♥️

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