Sunday, August 20, 2023


Some rando just dmed me a dickpic on reddit. What the actual fuck. Why is the world so fucked up?! Ugh and these reddit folks are so utterly lame, like you just see a female avatar and decide to send all this nasty shit?! Yuck.

Man, it's been so long since I just experienced a genuine moment of niceness and kindness from a guy. Like seriously. Is that really so much to ask for? Sometimes I genuinely wonder if there is someone out there who knows how to be mature and nice and actively be able to show it to me.

Feels like a total pipe dream.

Edit: Dammit, and now I just saw this.

How sweet. I also want 🥺♥️. Lol, I'll be like her... Say everything all the time cuz I'm a talker. And he is so sweet and romantic. Dammit.

Men taketh away hope, insta algo trying to give it back. 💀


I'm going for a run. 

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