Thursday, August 10, 2023

Slow and Steady

I think that day...When I just got so sad and worried. Somewhere I just realised how overlooked I've felt almost all my life. I think that's what hurt me so profoundly, that realisation that everytime I let someone into my feels, it just becomes a ticking clock until that person straight up decides to be indifferent to me. I've never been able to understand why that happens to me. Even when I try to wait and take my time, something just goes wrong and it all just blows up in my face.

Lol, how very unfortunate :) And yet, for once I'm okay with that. Maybe if circumstances don't's not a big deal, cuz my reactions can. And I'm going to be a lot more careful about caring for someone, only those who deserve it, and make the effort to reciprocate, like most people in my life now! Meghu, Di, Raves, S, Stonu. All of them are great and have been very genuine and caring with me as well. And they all make an effort to show me that, as I do for them. I'm really happy about that! 


And I'm also really glad at how steady I've become, especially when it comes to confronting my fears. A little more time and I'm sure I'll be in my element. I look forward to it. 

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