Tuesday, August 15, 2023

A happy place

P is visiting with two kids in tow and M's niece is around. That's so many small kids lmao. While the chaos is the stuff of legends, I can't help but admire how lovely both M's sister's marrige is and P's as well. Both their spouses are so supportive and nice and loyal. I guess that's why the ladies are so relaxed and happy in life. It so good to know you have a partner who has your back! ♥️ I've never told them this, but seeing their marriages are what made me come around to the idea of marriage in the first place. Esp as they are also friends with their spouses, and I think that's genuinely one of the best ways to pick a partner. And both the guys are so affectionate too. I love it. In a world that constantly acts needlessly hypersexual, and men act like juveniles, it's really great to see two guys who actually embody the essense of what in my books constitutes "men". Respectful, protective, loving and having the strength to keep their families together. After a long time it felt so peaceful to be around such happy people. I truly long to create one of my own, and I hope I'm as happy and carefree as them when I do! 

Hehe, and then I can fuss over everyone and make sure they eat on time and do all those lil lil traditional things noone knows I actually want to do. I don't think I care about anything as much as this little dream cocoon of happiness that I one day want as my reality. My very own tiny slice of heaven. I'm ambivalent on kids for now, that depends on if who I end up with wants to be a father or not, but I definitely want to be a happy wifey. First time it doesn't sound cringe in my head to say that. 

Lol, my boisterous disguise hides my womanly secrets so well. I don't think anyone in the world has an inkling to what I hide so deep in my heart. I like it that way :)

Okay I feel very goo now lol

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