Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Womanly things and dreams

I was having such a nice dream. Inside this ancient house built overlooking two rivers merging and a cold valley on one side. A caretaker just gave me a tour and the nature was spectacular. Also, oddly I remember a sitting area because it had Prussian blue walls and they were such a vivid colour that I loved it. Everytime I would switch off a light, a new one would switch on. Like those puzzles. There was a map to the house that was embedded in one of the windowsills. I also remember taking a picture of the valley through the window. Oh man that stillness and that view was so incredible. Overlooking these 2-3 tiers of settlements and culminating in a deep river ravine at the bottom. Loved it. Aaaah. I want to snooze agaiiiin.

Oh and I told myself I won't nag M but I saw one of his reels where he is hobbling/wincing again and couldn't stop myself from reminding him to go to the doc lol. To my credit I didn't say it immediately. If I tell the other M, she would just be mad at me and I'll get an instant scolding lmao. I don't think she has a high opinion of him or likes him very much ☠️

But I guess, in my own way I want him to feel cared for. I know it's a small thing to ask and such, but he just seems like such a baby to me sometimes. Like very innocent. And just draws out my protective instincts in full force somehow. Esp with all that gruffness lol, too adorable. Whatever, I don't mind doing my bit even if M thinks it's stupid of me to. I don't think caring for someone should be conditional on them doing the same for you anyway cuz it's just transaction otherwise. For this, I'll bear her scoldings with good grace. 

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