Thursday, August 10, 2023

Click click

A pic came up in my photos lmaooo. Look at me posing 🤣. Oh god the cringe is unreal. I'm sure there's a few more where I'm pulling this bs haha.

I don't relate to this girl at all anymore! Now I cut my own fringe and roam around looking like a groomed dog. Not saying that's better but definitely preferable to this lolol. ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠಿ The more I've embraced my goofy side, the less knotty I've become. And an interesting side effect has been not giving a hoot about weird makeup first looks. I was never one to cake a lot of it on, but even the little I used to indulge in, has steadily reached a point of bare minimum, and only for occasions. 

Still like a good smoky eye though, it's the one thing I've always loved and always will. Or a neatly executed winged eyeliner. That I'll be weak kneed for anyyyy day of the week. 

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