Monday, August 14, 2023


Ordered some new paints. I have some art I want to try making. And I think it's time I finished working on the book too. I have the time, and I can dedicate it to this. Year end should be a good timeline to get it done in. Seems like a fun task to take up. Been a while since I got in the middle of a good plot. Need to start scouting publishers too, given that the first draft is more or less taking shape. Man, can't wait to go back home and get on it!

Also need to learn some new stretches, my leg has started hurting again with the strain. It's been months of this intermittent injury, wish it would heal already. Funny, I ask M about his all the time but never told him about mine. Hmm. I wonder why I never did. I actually never really talk about myself to him, do I? I guess I find it weird to share stuff unprompted. 🤷‍♀️ Oh well, to each their own. It will be nice one day to find folks who fuss over me the same way I do for others though. I think I'd love that! Makes me so gooey and warm when I receive that hehe. ☺️

Otherwise, I'm happy with the stuff I'm doing in life now. Finally able to envision the kind of future I want. I'm glad. That vision was always what was so blurry for me, following through is never the issue. Plus I'm excited to pit myself against this, see what I can come up with and what I can contribute. I'd forgotten the joy of just immersing in something you love, and the thrill of hard work. Life lately had become too mundane and I was feeling unfulfilled, so gotta correct that balance. 

Alrighty, I look forward to it. Wootwoot! 

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