Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Good intentions

I wonder sometimes if people realise that when they do what they think is necessary, it might actually be inflicting harshness on someone else? 

But they do it anyway, don't they? 

Nothing like the tyranny of folks who are convinced they are doing the right thing. 

And you know what sucks about them and about most people? Atleast to me. When they throw themselves pity parties and attain victimhood in a " I couldn't do better ", " I'm not good enough", " It hurts me more than it hurts you " kinda way. All that bs is just to avoid taking responsibility and instead shift focus on their woes, which are imaginary, while ignoring the woes they cause. Lol. 

Idk why I felt like ranting but my god that level of wussness just makes me look at them as spineless. Lol, but I suppose if you call them that then they'll also find an excuse to be angry and avoid further. Ugh. 

I think that lady from first floor and the fight we had today has really annoyed the crap outta me. Just want to shout at her, annoying, entitled crazy ass psycho. 

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