Friday, June 28, 2024

Fuck. I feel sad but still so much anger too. I don't get it. All those years, having kept her shittiness to myself, out of a misguided sense of loyalty maybe or idek what it was that made me never call it out. And while I distanced myself from it all, I guess I never forgave it. Not that she ever asked for forgiveness. That's also essentially the issue. She lies so much that whatever half baked apology comes out, it's always a lie. Hmmm. 

I think if ever someone I like tries to hook up with any friend of mine or if some friend ever crossed that line and tried to hook up with someone I love, I would instantly leave. I hope I never again in life have to deal with that pain again. It's caused me so much grief that I'm unable to muster or overcome this enough to even extend my sympathies to her and her family. It's the first time in my life I'm picking my own side and at a time like this and yet I'm simply not able to make myself lie or pretend or entertain the idea of reaching out. This is so bad. Idk if it makes me a bad person or what but honestly my mind is so firmly shut to the idea and it's refusing to pretend otherwise. 

Damn. I guess I do know what my deal breaker is and how permanent too. Hmmm. Well, I guess now I know why I would never cheat either, or ever try to hurt someone deliberately. Especially people who have cared about me, I will never betray them. And I never, ever want to be like her or any of these unethical people. 

And I guess I also know that I will never allow myself to love or even like someone who isn't nice to me. As friends or otherwise. There's no point in caring about someone when it's one sided and non reciprocal. It's a sureshot way to find yourself back in these kinda messes and there is no way I am ever letting my life come to a point where I hate someone so much I can't forgive them. So if someone doesn't make an effort for me, they can leave. I will not make any for people like that ever again. Only if you value me and trust me and can show me that, can you be a part of my life henceforth, this I solemnly swear to. 

Watched the debate today and wow. No words.  💀

Thursday, June 27, 2024


The heavy conflict I felt made me go over all the times I spent with her since childhood. Spoke to a bunch of people as well. I decided not to reach out. It was a tough decision but as decisions go, this week made me realise how much hurt she caused me all my life. To a point where I'm just simply not able to entertain the idea of even checking in with her. It's just so sad that I feel this way but it's almost like a phobia of letting her in my vicinity. I know it's unreasonable but my mind is just like...You know she will just screw you over given half an opportunity again. And I can't go through that kinda pain and havoc ever again. 

I've never actively tried to screw anyone over. But I start to maintain my distance when I see someone attempt to harm me. With her, I gave her a lot of chances and at each turn, she always tried to hook up with someone I cared about or cause trouble between my close friends and I. Some psychopathic reason that leads her to try and be the girl in every man's life I guess. And then just cheat on all of them. Lol. And I can imagine her doing exactly that in the future too. A iago, if ever there was one. 

You aren't a good person L. You just aren't. All the people that were close to her... All of us... Everyone has the same conflict, esp the women around her. Pretty sure N would not want to reach out either. 

I still feel a lot of conflict. She was my childhood bff, someone I cared about a lot. And yet. It now feels like I was a fool for doing so. Maybe I wouldn't have hated her as much as I do, had I stood up for myself or called out all this shit. But a friend should not have done these things in the first place. The image of her cozying to J is so burned in my mind that I simply cannot forgive or forget this. It is what it is. 

It's not as if she reached out on her own. She could never take that responsibility or make an effort. Atmost just would manipulate others to try and come off as a victim and force the person to talk... But simply won't reach out to people on her own... Standard... "I got busy yaaa" kinda excuse to everyone like she is somehow more important than everyone else around. Well, you weren't. You were just full of yourself and people eventually left you alone because it's such a sad, loser person trait to be honest. People figure that shit out easily, and it makes you a bit of a laughing stock in the end. 

You know ... That is something I will never understand. Is it really that fundamentally important to be seen as superior for some folks? Do they not value just being seen as nice? Or is their self esteem so fragile that it shatters at the thought  of even reaching out on their own? I guess maybe it is. Their loss. Noone will eventually give their time to people who treat them badly. It's just a truth of life. L found that out the hard way. Everyone who loved her, was close to her left. Today, despite cancer... most don't want to come around her. People who are nice, who value themselves, who have integrity... They simply won't cater to this tbh. And in the long run you will lose them and their respect. That's just how it is. Life isn't a zero sum game, eventually things catch up to us. I guess some people figure that out sooner than others. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Drove for 2 hours. Lol. I wish I could do it forever. How to run away from this feeling of wreckage? 

Fuck... Feeling so fucked rn. I can't rid myself of this grief that I'm feeling omg. 

Man. I've hated you so much.  You betrayed me repeatedly and I know you always would, that's who you are. And yet, you were my closest friend, someone I loved and cared for. And I don't know what's gonna happen. I hate being in this prison of choices. You are the shittiest person I know and yet I cared about you so goddamn much and I just feel so horrid hearing this cancer thing and how it's so scary and I'm afraid we will lose you and I just fucking don't know what to do. 

Monday, June 24, 2024


Still feel gutted idk what to do.

Just this Jan I had had this thought about how life is short... And how anything can happen. And I had felt so bad about that thing then ... And now ... It's like... Idk man. It's so scary to know L has this and she was at the end of the day a person I've cared about fuck. 

Almost half my life I've hated her. Hated her for betraying me behind my back, for trying to take away people I loved, for constantly... Constantly being that one person who serially hurt everyone I've been close to. And now she has a disease she may not recover from. And I don't know what to do rn. I just don't. 

Idk. Just mindlessly playing chess 

I'm so lost rn

Omg mom just called and told me L has Leukemia. Fuck. 

I am so shocked and stunned and idk what to do. Fuck. I think I'm panicking........ Fuck fuck fuck

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Tweety bird

Lol. JB turning philosophical. I wonder what it is about twitter that makes people want to talk about life. I've noticed it a lot. I feel sometimes that it kinda acts like a thought for the day diary entry. It's weird to sometimes see my feed soooo full of philosophy from random people. That, and the influx of random crypto and alpha male dating advice bullshit threads. Fuck. The latter are so fucked up. Treat women this way and that, attract women who aren't attracted to you... The latter has been some trending topic I think. And it's so insulting to women like hey how do I shamelessly attempt to con you should be a better title. Still, I'd rather take a JB going grandpa anytime over the other toxic shit I keep seeing. I think their algo sucks it just keeps pushing random right wing content these days. Or maybe that's muskymans agenda now who tf knows that dude is a nutter.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


 “I’m just sick of ego, ego, ego. My own and everybody else’s. I’m sick of everybody that wants to get somewhere, do something distinguished and all, be somebody interesting”


A book that taught me you need life experience at times to understand something cuz my god I didn't get this one till I was atleast 21. 

And now I'm profoundly sorry that I got it at all. Life was fucking delightful before that. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

 How does white go from this


To this

I don't get it sometimes like that first position all you have to do is give a rook check and win the knight. How do 2400s make these mistakes? 

There must be something about their games that gets them to 2400 though. It can't be arbid. 

I wish I knew what the sub modular level chess skills that are at play here. Pretty sure these guys do one thing better than the other so even though there are holes in the games, over all they must obviously be making less mistakes than others. Hmmm. 

Lmao. So many random realisations one after the other wtf. And here I wanted to just curl up in bed with a nice book and some juice to sip. 


I think it's a good idea to put all of this stuff out of my mind for good. No positives will come of any of it, it's best to just live my own life simply and enjoy myself and look forward to things I'm doing. I had fun going out yesterday too, and I think it's best to surround myself with people who make me feel happy. 

Yeah, let's just do that. I'm not even angry or any of that, I think all that stuff has just been squeezed out of me. Heh. That's nice. I don't like that mindspace and I don't like being mad at anyone and it's just best to keep to myself and protect myself, and do things I enjoy from now.

Hehe yeah, go back into the Agassi zone, that was lovely.  

And I need some more sleep and then maybe a workout and then even more sleep haha. Crazy schedule the past few days. Need to rest up good and recharge. 

Lol... I'm back to being at a point where I don't feel anything anymore. Cheers to that. 🥂 

Oh man. I think I just made a connect. I kept wondering about that odd thing that had happened with this guy and that insta also long back. Then thought nothing of it. And now suddenly noticed it today. It was so strange, I was wondering why we followed the same thing and if we had someone in common then that girl shows then disappeared then shows again like wtf was that. And it suddenly dawned on me.

Ugh. Is that one of his gfs or something? Is that why he even opened up a bit the other day about his disease? Fuck. I spent time feeling bad about his ailment and thinking it's so sad he had to deal with it all his life. But that must be him just trying to see if I made the connect. How manipulative. 

And is that why he can't talk to me? I don't talk to all my friends it seems. It was also very weird for me when he used to say can't hear vns rn etc also. Fuck. Ewwww. Is it cuz he was with her that time? Oh man... Yuck. He is like a cheater then. Fuck. And just put me in some mistress like spot. Must be trying to hide that he knows me etc. I used to wonder why he didn't follow me and why such random secrecy with me. At first I thought arrogance but now it feels worse somehow. And probably didn't follow her all this while and suddenly did after I stumbled across it. So much deceptiveness. And that random girls of calcutta song. Fuck. Ewwwww. 

I can't believe I fell for his "I hate cheaters" act. If that girl is who I think she is, then he himself is like one...all the lying and the duplicitous behaviour. And why pretending to not know me is so important to him, yuck. And I suspect he was trying to get her to hide from me too lol. Must have spun some random story about me also na then. Maybe that's why can't reply to emails must be pretending I'm someone he doesn't know or barely knows or whatever. And forced her to delete comments, and unfollow that insta I suppose. I remember thinking it was odd cuz it seemed like she knew the dude running it and I was just confused at the time then forgot about it. Shit. That's so gross man. Just so gross. And backstabby to boot. Surely must have happily sold me out or said something shitty about me to make it happen. Trust a random insta recommendation follow to show me that of all things. 

From wanting to share something with him to suddenly realising what he has been hiding, or trying to hide. 

Damn... Are you really just a liar like every other cheater out there fuck. All this sneaky behaviour and attempting to cover tracks etc is exactly what cheaters also do. Feel better he told me that time when I asked to talk what a cheap person dude. And he didn't mind making me feel horrible like just straight up kept at it and now I realise it must be cuz he doesn't want someone else to know that we know each other or something. Yuuuuuuuck. As if I'd ever want to  entertain liars and cheats. I can't believe I trusted him man. He is just like everyone else. Yuck and made me that kinda person that he needs to hide from his real life right oh god. Yuck. 

I feel a bit sick. 

Lol. All this shitty treatment, all this ego and all these lies and manipulation on top of it all like wow. Just so bad. And complete lack of loyalty like. Was probably trying to treat her the same way too. Sick. It'll never be just upfront niceness, never. Won't ever see it as... Hey someone is nice to me, what am I to them in return? It'll never be... Hey I'm happy to have you in my life, thank you for caring about me and being there for me. Thank you for being supportive... All those words, any gratefulness, niceness... Nothing. Too scared to say hi on his own to boot. What good quality does he have that I should hang my hat on? I wonder if he can name one. You are suuuch a lying scumbag. 

Fuck dude. Every step of the way, for 2 whole years I tried to see the best in this person, disregarded everyone else's opinion, and in the end I was just wrong. 

Anyway, I do not want any part of this stuff, I don't want to know anything and I don't want to be involved in something gross and at the end of the day in addition to being nasty to me, it's like an endless rabbit hole of just selfishness, and lack of care. I do not ever want to be some woman that's hidden from another yuck. I bet he only wants me to reach out to him so he can feel vindicated and then be like oh look she came to me, I didn't go to her and all that egoistic crap. He will never interpret it as... "oh I am glad despite me messing up she is forgiving me. It's that fear of rejection, right? "What if I reach out and she acts like she doesn't care, then I will be diminished. So let me just pretend like I'm busy. " 

I do not want to be subjected to any of it anymore. I wonder... Can he even name one positive difference or addition he makes to my life to counter all the rest of this? This behaviour is just beyond shitty, isn't it? It's just delusional to think you can keep treating someone badly and have them have a positive opinion of you tbh. 

And the worst part is all of it was just unnecessary. Like why even do it, what was the point? Half my life I've run away from people who just stabbed me and after sooo long I thought I could trust someone. I just don't trust you at all now. 

Ugh. I feel extremely sick about all of this fuck. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Fuck dude. I really wanted to tell him I beat an IM. It wasn't some great game but it would have been so nice to share it.  

Why tf is he being an ass to me? Why tf has he ever been an ass to me like wtfffff!!! Something I'll simply never know. 

Ugh. It's so weirdly lopsided to feel care for someone on one hand only to realise they deliberately want to make you think they don't give a shit lol... For god knows what reason also. I hate being on bad terms with him but it's not like I caused it. This is no way to trest someone. And it sure as hell isn't the right way to treat someone that's always taken so much care towards you.

For this, and for the multiple other times he has treated me badly... He owes me a genuine and sincere apology.


Not much I want from people in life, but I need them to be kind to me and sweet and that can't be off the table ever. :(


Man, but the thing I actually dislike about this game is how trash I played as opposed to beating that dude like I don't even care, just that I wish I had not got thrown and actually given it a good shot. These stupid flags suck tbh. Literally my last game after being up all night and still all I wish for is a do over. Lol. Hahaha. Fuck, now I'm just ashamed of it so it's okay no point sharing I'm not feeling proud but rather just embarassed lmao. 


Okay that notif of the one account I saw that lady from this guys' stream follow really creeped me out lmao. 💀💀💀💀 Whyyy is it so bizzare and sounds like me and has the same rating too wtf. Aaaa. Idk why but it's just toooo creepily similar to my username and that caption legit throws me off. Fuck. It hopefully is just some random coincidence or it could be one of that delver dude's crazy alternates. Haha. I feel like it might be also, he has some insane knack for picking up on how people speak and mimicking them.  Anyway blah. Elane elyne and que sera sera. Que sera sera is something I happened to say a lot 💀💀. Fuck. hahahha. It's funny but also kinda crazy if it's his tbh. Bit too much effort being put into it. Esp sandbagging your rating to this point. 💀💀 Sooo sus. And it will be a bit fucked up if he uses this to get a rise out of M also tbh. I wouldn't put it past him if it's him for reals. It'll be quite a shit thing to do though. 

The fishy smells sometimes just stink up the joint. 💀

Old fashioned

Cheers to the shittiest old fashioned I've ever had. 💯

Grooving to the strains of Lana Del Rey and wondering why tf aren't drinks in this joint a tad bit better. 💀

Atleast the moon was out. 

Hehe. Been up 24 hours cuz couldn't sleep but couldn't miss this goss and drinks session. I love girls nights. ♥️

And yet, getting home and changing into my PJs is so goddamn satisfying lmao. Finally I can sleeeeeep, soooo tired. Face looks exhausted asf too wow.

And yet, I feel happy. 


Night night, world! 😴 

Playing with this kid and seeing her do gymnastics. So small and cute man. She came and gave me a hug tooooo. Omg 🥺🥺. Girl kids are super sweet. Those asshole boy kids just threw water balloons at me and laughed lmao. 🤣 Fuckers. Hahah


Seeing Federer's documentary and he is just weeping throughout hahah. Omg. Just so adorbs he is. I feel like Mirka most times man... Fuck. M just teasing me saying this is exactly how I'll be with a guy hahahha. Yeah, I think it's true. I just looooove taking care of someone and I don't think I'll have a problem with someone as cuddly as FedEx, I think I'll just love that. He does come across as very self centred in this though, I kinda don't like that about him. But maybe it's the way this was shot? Idk. The bits about Djoko are just such cheap shots at him ahahhaha. That's like a collection of the worst footage of him lmaoooo. So petty. I think FedEx just haaates him. Both of them seem to hate each other tbh. Lol. Oh well, what is sports without a good, petty rivalry? No fun, that's what it is. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Beat a titled player wtf

Beat an IM at bullet what the actual fuck. 

Aaaa. And halfway through the game realised it's saying titled player and it threw me off and I blundered a rook lmao. Like bruh. Shit, should not have noticed it, would have played better tbh and tried to find better moves also. Felt like I had fallen asleep or was dreaming lmao. Or that he was hustling me lmao. Shiiit... I got so thrown by this pairing. Ordinarily I never glance at an opponent name or rating until after the game is done ugh. Even his pawns were better towards the end but fuck it. Haha. Stupid rook loss just made me scramble 

What in the world is happening and howww.


Done with chess for the day fuck this lmao. Too surreal. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


For the love of rock, my first love. Let's goooooooo!

 Take me out


No You Girls

My fav track oof. 

Do you never wonder? ;) 

Another bet?


For suuuure this 2400 is going to try and take that pawn and trap his queen. I just know it. 

Waiting, waitinggggg

Aaaand there we go. With 9 mins on the clock in a 10 min game. 💀💀💀💀💀

I find this sooooo frustrating it's not even funny anymore. 3rd time in 2 days. 💀💀💀💀💀

Sometimes I sense a lack of loyalty and I feel like that's the one unpardonable sin for me. Think I can forgive a lot, but that? I don't think so. 

This week talking to these folks also made me realise how much I hate it. And hate how they are, esp the women yuck. A lot of them have no respect for their partners and are just looking to get attention from dudes by acting so fucking desperate. 🤮

The worst part is how they'll act as if they are so innocent while gracing hotel rooms with dudes telling them they have a hard on cuz even the dudes know how to play them yuck. So you all never realise how cheap it looks? Esp when you are no man will ever even respect you apart from just playing you to get laid. 🤮

A lot of these folks think of me as a prude lol. And the guys try to bait me like I'll ever fall for those their bs stories. Well, better prude than whatever the fuck that is. Ugh. I just hate it when they try to hit on me in that negging way like I'm going to want to play that game with you all or even want to impress the likes of you. Pls. Stick to your loser cheating hoes, that's the best you'll ever do. Yuckies. 🤮🤮🤮


Need a shower to wash this gunky memory off.

Monday, June 17, 2024


I just knowww this dude will get his queen trapped. Let me see. 

2 moves and it's gone, for sure.

Aaaaand there you go. Fuck. I find it sooooo frustrating to spectate these games aaaaaaaaa

But what it does tell me is that players are not looking for opponent threats and moves even at this level. Interesting. A 2388 should absolutely be doing that tbh, and not miss something this preventable. 


After a long time, I felt immersed in a book. This time, it wasn't just about getting to the end, but more about enjoying the journey. It made me think, and I stopped at many parts to just sit and ponder. 

It also made me realise there's much more to life than the one goal. And that having just one goal limits you into a small cocoon when life is to be experienced. 

I don't know how I feel about Agassi, but I appreciate the honesty with which he wrote his pov. I don't relate to him, but I do see how his inner struggles shaped him and how he has tried, within reason... To be as open about it as possible. 

I wonder now... Was that why he chose the title?



Cheeky lad. 


Think I'll post this as a review too. 


How nice men treat women lol. Soooo cute!!! You never need grand gestures...just simple thoughtful ones. 


Oh, I say. Hey. I just remembered. I have a gift for you. I knew it was your birthday, so I made you a card. Happy Birthday.

She takes the card, looks at it for several seconds, then looks up, touched.

How did you know it was my birthday?

I just—know.

Thank you, she says. Really.

She walks away quickly.

THE NEXT DAY she’s coming off the practice courts just as Brad and I arrive. This time there there are mobs of fans and reporters all around and she seems painfully self-conscious. She slows, gives us a half wave, and in a stage whisper says: How can I reach you?

I’ll give my number to Heinz.




After practice Perry and Brad and I sit around the house we’ve rented, debating when she’s going to call.

Soon, Brad says.

Very soon, Perry says.

The day passes without a call.

Another day passes.

I’m in agony. Wimbledon starts Monday, and I can’t sleep, can’t think. Sleeping pills are powerless against this kind of anxiety.

She had better call, Brad says, or you’re going to lose in the first round.

Saturday night, just after dinner, the phone rings.


Hi. It’s Stefanie.






"How should I know when your bday is?" Knowing full well when it is - NOT how nice people treat anyone lmao. 

"I'm a kind person" 💀💀💀

Oof. 😅😅


I’M IN CANADA, she’s in New York. I’m in Vegas, she’s in Los Angeles. We stay connected by phone. One night she asks for a rundown of my favorites. Song. Book. Food. Movie.

You’ve probably never heard of my favorite movie.

Tell me, she says.

It came out several years ago. It’s called Shadowlands. It’s about C. S. Lewis, the writer.

I hear a sound like the phone dropping.

That’s impossible, she says. That’s simply not possible. That’s my favorite movie.

It’s about committing, opening yourself to love.

Yes, she says. Yes, it is, I know.

We are like blocks of stone … blows of His chisel which hurt us so much are what make us perfect.

Yes. Yes. Perfect.


Yes. Sometimes when everything aligns, you realise that the mirror to yourself is simply a person who shares your loves and your values. That's all. It's not hard, it's the easiest thing in the world to slip into the familiar with them. Maybe cuz you just know this is it, and that you are meant to be. 


There is much I want to say to Pete, about marriage, about actresses, but I can’t. Ours isn’t that kind of relationship. There is much I’d like to ask him—about how he stays so fo-cused, about whether or not he regrets devoting so much of his life to tennis. Our different personalities, our ongoing rivalry, precludes such intimacy. I realize that despite the effect we’ve had on each other, despite our quasi-friendship, we’re strangers, and may always be. I wish him the best, and I mean it. To my mind, being with the right woman is true happiness.

After all the time I’ve spent putting together my so-called team, the only thing I want now is to feel like a valued member of Stefanie’s team. I hope he feels the same way about his fiancée.

I hope he cares as much about his place in her heart as he seems to care about his place in history. I wish I could tell him so.


Andre you romantic, that is so utterly sweet. 


Reading Agassi makes me realise how tennis has always been such a big part of my life. Whether it's on the periphery or smack dab in the middle of it, it's been a sport I have inadvertently followed, played and loved since I was a kid. 

I remember liking Steffi a lot since my parents did and they used to watch. These were some of the first ever matches I've seen and I was soooo small. But I remember these conversations like they were yesterday, dad telling me she is the best, mom chiming in. 

And the Paes Bhupati era. I remember Paes couldn't do singles well and Agassi says the same that his game was off but he managed lol. But I recall this match as well, because my household was obviously gunning for Paes lol. 


Damn man. I lived in a sultry desert at the time, never knowing Agassi is from a desert town too. There's something special about the heat of one. 


I miss the lopsidedness of tennis before the Roger era though. So many wildlings all with their temperaments just showing up and giving each other a run for their money. In that way, it was a more unpredictable sport and a lot more erratic and fun. 


Shit dude. And all these memories are now coming up. 

I remember one of the first things I coveted was my dad's wooden tennis racquet. All his colleagues and him used to play at the club and I so badly wanted to possess that one deep beige wooden beauty. And after a while, I did take it haha. Too bad it didn't stand the test of time, it would have been great to keep it even now. Part of why I was shocked when I first came around M too, seeing the same thing with him made me go huh? Literally never knew anyone else who loved the sport before.  

Life is so strange at times. Out of nowhere, I come across a guy who likes not one but two sports I love, and has memorabilia to boot. The second I fell in love with a little late in life, and in particular because of one small explanation he did too. Even that tiger haha. We have the actual thing, crazy as it is.  I was surprised seeing that the most. Also cuz it was a dimension of his personality I hadn't really expected. Somehow it didn't seem to fit at the time, idk why. Even now, I kiiiinda wonder how come he likes them tbh. Weird. But I guess I'm basing that on traits and it's not so deep. 

I'd trade a lot of that in, just for considerate behaviour towards me though lol. That's way more important to me. Heh. Knowing him has been a fairly hurtful experience. Shit happens I guess. 


But hmmm. It's just weirdly nice when things seem to randomly align. Tennis was one of those silent partners that's always held meaning, and I'm really glad to be reading this book and reliving a lil bit through it. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Ice, Ice, Baby

My fantasies invariably have a tinge of roleplay. A bit possessive, hot and heavy, the idea of putting my hand on your bare chest as you lean into me with intent - sure of yourself. The feel of your skin on mine and some stubble across my neck. Ugh. It's a lot more graphic in my mind, but words won't be enough to capture the motions. 

Nevertheless - the thought of your fingers touching me, instead of my own right now - makes me cum and how. 



 "The days of Rudy and the Big Macs passed in a blur. Suddenly my father had his back-yard tennis court, which meant I had my prison. I’d helped feed the chain gang that built my cell. I’d helped measure and paint the white lines that would confine me. Why did I do it? I had no choice. The reason I do everything.

No one ever asked me if I wanted to play tennis, let alone make it my life. In fact, my mother thought I was born to be a preacher. She tells me, however, that my father decided long before I was born that I would be a professional tennis player. When I was one year old,she adds, I proved my father right. Watching a ping-pong game, I moved only my eyes, never my head. My father called to my mother.

Look, he said. See how he moves only his eyes? A natural.She tells me that when I was still in the crib, my father hung a mobile of tennis balls above my head and encouraged me to slap at them with a ping-pong paddle he’d taped to my hand.

When I was three he gave me a sawed-off racket and told me to hit whatever I wanted. I spe-cialized in salt shakers. I liked serving them through glass windows. I aced the dog. My father never got mad. He got mad about many things, but never about hitting something hard with racket."


Breaks my heart to read this. All my life I've hated parents who are like this. Hated my dad too, for a period of time for forcing this kinda shit. 

What is it about a child with skill that says to these anal parents that I need to push them into submission and force them to do something, to achieve something? Like why? Fuck. Whatever he says about his childhood is just horrifying. It's not easy being a kid and having that fear of failure and an authoritarian asshat towering over you, trying to control your life. Ugh. 

A 36yo man who hated tennis. Fuck. My deepest love to you, it could not have been easy to deal with this shit. 


Violent by nature, my father is forever preparing for battle. He shadowboxes constantly.He keeps an ax handle in his car. He leaves the house with a handful of salt and pepper in each pocket, in case he’s in a street fight and needs to blind someone. Of course some of his most vicious battles are with himself. He has chronic stiffness in his neck, and he’s perpetu-ally loosening the neck bones by angrily twisting and yanking his head. When this doesn’twork he shakes himself like a dog, whipping his head from side to side until the neck makes a sound like popcorn popping. When even this doesn’t work, he resorts to the heavy punching bag that hangs from a harness outside our house. My father stands on a chair, removes the punching bag, and places his neck in the harness. He then kicks away the chair and drops afoot through the air, his momentum abruptly halted by the harness. The first time I saw him do this, I was walking through the rooms of the house. I looked up and there was my father, kick-ing the chair, hanging by his neck, his shoes three feet off the ground. I had no doubt he’dkilled himself. I ran to him, hysterical.

Seeing the stricken look on my face, he barked: What the fuck is the matter with you?

Another time my father reaches across me and points his handgun at another driver. He holds the gun level with my nose. I stare straight ahead. I don’t move. I don’t know what the other driver has done wrong, only that it’s the automotive equivalent of hitting into the net. I feel my father’s finger tensing on the trigger. Then I hear the other driver speed away, fol-lowed by a sound I rarely hear—my father laughing. He’s busting a gut. I tell myself that I’ll re-member this moment—my father laughing, holding a gun under my nose—if I live to be one hundred.




Men like these are complete horseshit. I would hate to be around this kinda guy and I would never be. Fuck that. 


If Grandma wants to go back home, I’m all for it. I’m only eight, but I’ll drive her to the air-port myself, because she causes more tension in a house that doesn’t need one bit more.

She makes my father miserable, she bosses me and my siblings around, and she engages in a strange competition with my mother. My mother tells me that when I was a baby, she walked into the kitchen and found Grandma breastfeeding me. Things have been awkward between the two women ever since.


Oh my god what all garbage happened in agassi s house oh my god aaaaaaaa. I wish I would unread this it is horrible aaaaaaaaa



He’s adamant, and desperate, because that was the plan for Rita, Philly, and Tami, but things never worked out. Rita rebelled. Tami stopped getting better. Philly didn’t have the killer instinct. My father says this about Philly all the time. He says it to me, to Mom, even to Philly—right to his face. Philly just shrugs, which seems to prove that Philly doesn’t have the killer instinct.

But my father says far worse things to Philly.

You’re a born loser, he says.

You’re right, Philly says in a sorrowful tone. I am a born loser. I was born to be a loser.

You are! You feel sorry for your opponent! You don’t care about being the best!

Philly doesn’t bother to deny it. He plays well, he has talent, but he just isn’t a perfection-ist, and perfection isn’t the goal in our house, it’s the law. If you’re not perfect, you’re a loser.

A born loser.

My father decided that Philly was a born loser when Philly was about my age, playing nationals. Philly didn’t just lose; he didn’t argue when his opponents cheated him, which made my father turn bright red and scream curses in Assyrian from the bleachers.

I worry that I got Philly’s good luck, that I stole it from him somehow, because if I was born with a horseshoe up my ass, Philly was born with a black cloud over his head. When Philly was twelve he broke his wrist while riding his bike, broke it in three places, and that was the beginning of a long stretch of unbroken gloom. My father was so furious with Philly that he made Philly keep playing tournaments,broken wrist and all, which worsened Philly’s wrist, made the problem chronic, and ruined his game forever.


This is just abuse man...fuck. I can't tolerate reading this tbh. :(


Afterward, we sit up drinking sodas and talking. Perry agrees that my father’s scarier than anything Hollywood can offer, but he says his father is twice as scary. His father, he says, is an ogre, a tyrant, and a narcissist—the first time I’ve heard this word.

Perry says, Narcissist means he thinks only about himself. It also means his son is his personal property. He has a vision of how his son’s life is going to be, and he couldn’t care less about his son’s vision of that future.

Sounds familiar.

Perry and I agree that life would be a million times better if our fathers were like other kids’ fathers. But I hear an added note of pain in Perry’s voice, because he says his father doesn’t love him. I’ve never questioned my father’s love. I just wish it were softer, with more listening and less rage. In fact, I sometimes wish my father loved me less. Maybe then he’d back off,

let me make my own choices. I tell Perry that having no choice, having no say about what I do or who I am, makes me crazy. That’s why I put more thought, obsessive thought, into the few choices I do have—what I wear, what I eat, who I call my friends.


Lol... Narcissists. I didn't even know Agassi had a friend whose dad could be called one. But this is an accurate description. Them ruining everyone's lives around them, nary a care for anyone else. 


The man hands me a check, and as I walk out of his office I feel as if I’m starting down a long, long road, one that seems to lead into a dark, ominous forest.

It’s April 29, 1986. My sixteenth birthday.


The deep dark forest lol. A crossover that warms my heart.




Love always feels like home. This is who I am, who I want to be and who I will continue to be. Like all three of them in parts. The one who wants to feel love and care and belonging, and the one who, when she loves you... Will make sure you belong too. Always. ♥️

Nothing as therapeutic as cleaning lmao. Fuck. Feels so good 


Sometimes I feel like I'm going a teeny bit crazy cuz I noticed something so weird. 💀💀 I must be imagining it obv but it's so fucking eerie to see someone with a username like mine, tagline that's a phrase I used all the time and rating range that's similar too. 💀💀 It's very, very, very, weird. And creepy lol. 

Only one person I know who's be jobless enough to do all that though, and yet would he be thiiiis jobless? I mean can be lol he is an ass. And has the intelligence of a complete psychopath lol. 

I hope I'm imagining things and it's just some random coincidence. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Beyond good and evil

Many a times, I have lamented how deeply flawed a lot of philosophers seemed to me, simply cuz they have never taken into account a woman's perspective, but rather sought to simply discount it, or worse, overlook it by oversight because they are so goddamn full of themselves that it never occured to them to do so. 

So imagine my surprise when the first fucking chapter of Beyond good and evil just addresses that. 

Imagine my utter horror and deep feeling of regret and denial when the one fucking philosopher I hate on account of how much of an arrogant asshat he is, has this a point of consideration. 💀💀💀


Complete joke. 


I admire his brilliance but I hate his arrogant power mongering stupidity more. And yet he does go to the heart of the matter. Fucker.

Seeing Bartholomew playing rapid. Man, what a stark difference between him and the random ones on lichess honestly. That sense of cohesion is always present when it's a titled player. It's v soothing lol. 

He lost the game I saw, but still fun. 


I saw one of the games this guy played with his friend. That rd7 move was fun looking. Idk why that boy didn't take with his bishop after saccing the knight though. Will have to check latah. Let me keep a screenshot.

Yeah I thought be6 makes more sense here, unless he wanted to open the rook's file? And you can try to prevent castling too. Hmmm. Idk.

Damn. It's so interesting  to know which move makes most sense here and why. I can't actually tell rn just by looking. 

This is a fun game, will check it properly later. I like this guy's games atleast he thinks stuff out and doesn't play like those other nincompoops whose games I saw. Weird that he is still not higher rated. I had always assumed he would be 2300-2400 range. That delver is good. Fuck... I had played just the one bullet game with him, got destroyed in 5s, took me 10s to even realise it and then that ass had the audacity to click rematch hahahaha. Oh man I was soooo mad. Pity he is a complete sex maniac, I got on well with him. If only he didn't have that weird sex obsession, we could have been friends tbh. But it makes me super uncomfortable to be subjected to that when I view someone as a friend. Or have that person tell me they want to impregnate me like wtf was he even thinking? Damn. Well, I hope he is doing well. I have literally never ghosted anyone as such, but I stopped talking to him within a day just because of this stuff. 

That, and my innate feeling of loyalty just kept telling me to stay away. So I did. Heh. I guess I would have sacced that potential friendship anyway, cuz something didn't feel right there. And I would never be disloyal to someone. 

And so it goes. 😅

Okay holding at 1969 now woohoo. Omgomgomg I need to let the excitement outttt hahah. Idk why this is so thrilling lmao

Once upon a time

... A song I could sing. 

London Grammar

Was I sad then? Idk. I missed AK, heh. Half the songs I listened to became sad after he left. For a while, atleast. 

Man, I tried to live my life practically so many times. I do not succeed in that quest. My heart refuses to allow me to dilute that one ethos I hold so dear. And it's scary sometimes. But I just figure... I'm gonna die someday. For sure. Why keep crawling until then. Let me try to walk, run, fly. Even if it's intermittent. 

For every age, there's a decision to be made. I hope I make the right ones for the right times. 


Until then, vibe change

We cut the night



It's v imp to protect your own mindspace. I felt so utterly fatigued just interacting with those folks and I do nooooot want to anymore. Or at the very least, I do not want to engage more than necessary. I don't yet know how to strike the balance but honestly, I just feel like these inane conversations are a complete waste of time. I neither learn anything nor do I enjoy them nor do I have any sort of fun discussing that garbage. 

Shit... I don't want to be harsh to people but at times these overbearing ones are so unbelievably tough to deal with. Part of it might be my fault for engaging also, I should keep it minimal. 


Lmao... I actually feel exhausted with this haha. I have become a lot more private than I used to be, but I just like that so much more than anything else now. 


Reading Open. I love Agassi. Such an honest and beautiful autobiography. There's v few over the years that I have enjoyed, this is one of them. I want to read that inner game of tennis too. I think it's pretty loved and should be good. Hehe. Nice. This is a much nicer use of time than anything else. <3


"Tennis is the sport in which you talk to yourself. No athletes talk to themselves like tennis players. Pitchers, golfers, goalkeepers, they mutter to themselves, of course, but tennis play-ers talk to themselves—and answer. In the heat of a match, tennis players look like lunatics in a public square, ranting and swearing and conducting Lincoln-Douglas debates with their alter egos. Why? Because tennis is so damned lonely. Only boxers can understand the loneliness of tennis players—and yet boxers have their corner men and managers. Even a boxer’s opponent provides a kind of companionship, someone he can grapple with and grunt at. In tennis you stand face-to-face with the enemy, trade blows with him, but never touch him or talk to him, or anyone else. The rules forbid a tennis player from even talking to his coach while on the court. People sometimes mention the track-and-field runner as a comparably lonely figure, but I have to laugh. At least the runner can feel and smell his opponents. They’re inches away. In tennis you’re on an island. Of all the games men and women play, tennis is the closest to solitary confinement, which inevitably leads to self-talk, and for me the self-talk starts here in the afternoon shower. This is when I begin to say things to myself, crazy things, over and over, until I believe them. For instance, that a quasi-cripple can compete at the U.S.

Open. That a thirty-six-year-old man can beat an opponent just entering his prime. I’ve won 869 matches in my career, fifth on the all-time list, and many were won during the afternoon shower."


How interesting that he also feels this. Now the rule is gone, so it must mean a lot more to the players to be able to interact. Man, I feel bad that I had once thought it was silly. I remember telling M and he thought it was silly too but I guess if people like Agassi point it out then they must see some merit in it. 

But you are wrong about track and field and distance running Mr. Agassi. Running is an extremely isolating sport. You don't talk to yourself out loud, but you have just yourself to count on there. It doesn't matter who is besides you, once your mind hits rhythm, it's just you and the next step. 


"The tennis bag is a lot like your heart—you have to know what’s in it at all times."

How cute. ♥️

Lmao should have stopped haha. Didn't. Oops. Still over 1950. Let's do this again tomo

Back to 1951 damn. It feels nice. Let me see how to get the next 20 points. Been able to beat intermittent 2000s and 1950+ guys so it should be doable. Ugh. Just wanna be 2000 man. It's been something I never even thought was possible. Hehe. Back then I was stuck in 1700s for fucking ages lmao. But I realise that a few tweaks are what change your rating from +-100. That's interesting. I think being able to think of opponent moves at every move is the key to breaking out of 1900s. Most know openings but collapse the minute you have to think of plans. So I'm assuming till 2050 that is what gets ironed out. Omg it'll be such fun once I get that right. I think real chess just begins at 2200+ maybe. Atleast games where you think of lines from the get go. Wow. But maybe that's why kids are good too, they learn the right way from the start.  All hypothesis, need someone to verify haha. Oh well. For the time being, just looking forward to improving a bit. ♥️

Okay 1963 max today zomg. Must be my highest ever. Hmmm. There's actually a whole lot of tactics in the middle game when the position is a bit unfamiliar but no time lol. Still, let me try my best. 


1969. Beat someone that's 2232 rapid and 1991 blitz. 🥺

Ugh my nerves are on edge now zomg. I should stop. 

The worst thing about wanting something is just this. You get nerves instead of simply viewing it as just another thing ugh. Stupid mentality needs to be stronger lmao. 

Friday, June 14, 2024


Tutto Bella!!! 


Bellissimo! 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌 

Ffs.. I do not know what it is about chess that at times I feel such annoyance at seeing bad moves and I'm not even rated as high as the games I was spectating lmao. But figured I'll gain some experience by trying not to play but view and analyse a live game and everytime a 2100+ rated player makes a garbage obvious blunder I can't help but feel annoyance. This is so bad. I'm not even as good and yet I feel that fuck. 💀

And just straight up I feel like saying bruh wtf you doing even I know this is bad lmao. Horrid. Need to cut it out but idk how it's so primal

Games I love

 Anand v Lautier 97

What an absolute monster of a game fuck just that next move is soooo cool. 

Ugh. Scandi got wrecked. 

Damn man... To be able to see so deep is crazy what a beast Anand is. I love and respect him so much. ♥️

The best part of him is not only the incredible level of experience and expertise he has gathered but the amount he has given back to chess. In a sea of players acting like complete jokes, he just stands so tall and silent and just does his work without craving anything. A true blue South Indian tbh. 

To me, a champion is more than just their skill -  it's their ethics, the morality and the behaviour they exemplify and honestly he really embodies so many qualities I respect, admire and wish to emulate. ♥️

Very humbling. 


Sometimes, it's just good to go back to the start. 



Omggg I used to love this sooooo much

Sweetest thing

Baby's got blue skiiies overhead. But in this in a raincloud. Hahhahaha

Blue-eyed boy meets a brown-eyed girl

Oh oh oh, the sweetest thing 


Some songs I simply never paid attention to the lyrics. This is one of them lmao. Well, love it anyway. Maybe cuz I'm a brown eyed girl hehe.

 I think I hate 3+0

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Wow seeing clips of hiki lose his mind on his stream what a toxic guy...abusing rezas family and what not. All because he lost. Why is chess filled with such horrid people? It's crazy. Someone said they feel bad for hansen for having to deal with this and it's right. He kept bringing up their old beef too. So much toxicity in one person, I have no clue why people like him. Just repulsive. 

I feel bad for anyone that has to deal with him fuck. Must be a terrible ordeal. 

Heh. I'm just done with shitty toxic people tbh. Life becomes hell around such folks. I've reached a saturation point for all this now. Just want peace and goodness.

Hmmm. Sometimes I feel with some folks being mean just comes easy but being nice is like the hardest things for them to do. How sad no. Complete lack of character. Genuinely just prefer tennis people there are a lot more wholesome and sweet. 

Yep. The lack of sleep is unreal. 

Ugh. I feel so wrecked 😭 

This lack of sleep is unreal. I'm gonna be so tired tomo ffs

Man, so quickly I got tired of that group chat fuck. 💀💀 


Aaaaaa. I just can't. But what I am realising is that you cannnnot share everything with everyone lmao. And I haaaate that girl aaaaaa. Fuck... So despo zomgggg. Just that incessant me, me, me and tell me I'm funny tell me I'm hot like whyy do people even put you in that spot fuckkkkk. It's so hard to even lie and then she just doesn't let it gooooo. 




Sometimes I pity guys that needs to handle women like her fuck. Like howwww... The idea of being stuck to someone so fucking clingy and desperate for validation is unnnnreal. Aaaaaaaa.

Lmao. I cannot even deal with this. Been ages since I had to actually be in the midst of this idiocy and I just cannotttttt. 

Fuck...and I am so glad I am not like her tbh. Like so desperate for a guys attention so desperate to prove guys want her why does a woman even become like that? It's so sleazy. 🤮


Okay whew... Got that out of my system haha. 

Nothing like complete hypocrisy to set me off. Or self delusion 💀💀💀

Dunno if I read that right but if that dude quit his job to pursue chess full time then that's a bit crazy. Hope it was a joke lol. He is a funny dude, just keeps wanting to get in trouble. But then again, 20s are a time to be that way I suppose. 

Strange thing is... I don't know him personally tbh. But somehow I just feel sooo protective of him. And he can be a complete lunatic as well. Like some of the most vile shit I've heard has been spewed by him. But at the same time, I don't think I can dislike him, there's something so childlike about him. Ugh. This. H was right. I'm a total sucker for a sympathy scam. 💀


Man... I do hope he does well in life and finds real friends and good people. His dad was a shit role model, the dude he hangs out with is a shit role model too. Neither of those two men have ever respected women or treated them kindly. I hope he doesn't carry that forward. I feel bad when I realise that he actually simply doesn't have anyone in his life to show him decency and love tbh. And a lot of these values are learnt as kids so idk. But then his mum was nice so I hope between her and his granny he learnt how to be nice. I really hate men who hurt women and are unkind tbh. All this ego, anger, aggression, scaring them... Fuck. So bad. It must be so horrid for his mum. To be stuck in that kinda environment, wanting to protect yourself and your son and then she even passed away right. Like fuck dude. Entire life just went in that toxicity. Ugh. I guess one of the things I'm also clear on is to never be around men that are disrespectful and unkind. They always ruin your life. I hope he turns out good though. 

Hmmm. Tbh he used to actually be quite kind to that horrific lady too, so I'm assuming he is inherently nice. Atleast I'd like to really hope so. 

Fuck, I actually do care about him. Wtf. 


Love this album zomg!

Hugo Kant

Esp In Time ooof. Some people make the best fucking music. 

Dance dance dance


Ugh. What a banger to dance dance dance to! Fuck. I can't dance but goddamn I love dancing haha

Okay holding steady at 1950 ish woohooo. I'm happy. I want that fucking 2000 soon.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Didn't sleep well, or at all lol but atleast I'm having a good hair day for once woohoo. It's so rare I feel like celebrating 🎉 

Smyslov v. Tal

What a beautiful position Tal gets and it's crazy how easily he does it right during the opening. I love these olden games. Not so old, just from the 50s but still. 

Ugh I'm so hungry and these days don't even feel like making food. Living like a uni student on bread and eggs and ramen 💀💀💀

Need real fooooood.

I love cooking for people. It would be nice if someone made me a meal sometime too I feel. Haven't had someone do that in a long time. Also reading this... Haha so cute. 

Lol... I actually kinda like guys with body hair, just feels v masculine and I like that lots. Especially chest hair. I really like that.  

Dammit, I think I'm a lot more traditionally female than I thought I was lol. 


Whenever there's a highway, a road long and winding...I feel like running, I feel driving, I want to just race against time. 

I don't know where I want to go, I think it's just the journey I love. 

I used to feel the same way about life. Just dive right in, and think later. 

But then I started thinking. It was all downhill from then on. 💀

Saw this guy go for more bullet then realised this is the same person who is actively trying to show me I'm of no consequence to him for no rhyme or reason lol. And to think I was so supportive towards him always. Dunno why so mean but okay. Lol. 

Is being nice to me really so hard for him? Fuck man. Quite unreal. Heh... Feels like it's by far the last option and he would exhaust every other avenue before even considering it. Wow. So relentless in the quest to be mean. Pretty scary that someone can be so determined to hurt me though. Good I know that I suppose. 


Well, I guess I really know how to pick the nice ones huh? Lol... I just feel like laughing. 


Well, it is what it is. 🤷‍♀️

 Getting slaughtered lmao. Oops

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

I just feel happy today. Nothing too special but just a nice day and feels good and after a long time I'm just feeling all light hearted and happy ugh. Issss niceeeee ♥️

Aaaaand whatever I looked up in chess made sense and it feels good too ughhhhh. Yumzies.

Finally smiling ♥️

Oooo I'm 1949 again zomgzomgzomg. Fuck I wanna hit 2000. I already beat a few too. They don't play all that differently. Aaaaaaaaa

Omgomgomg. I want to be 2000 soooonnnnn 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Also, saw a 2500 play rapid and they missed mate in one with 5 mins on the clock like 💀. Some of these players really aren't good at all. Titled players must really find non titled ones to be absolute noobs like fuck. 

Amazing how I have the same hairdo and expressions since I was a kid lmao. And the same cheeks also lmao. 

I regret how much I hated taking pics all my life tbh. I barely have any to look back on, but it feels nice to look at these faded pics. And my baby bro always looking at me and looking out for me. ♥️🤭

Kramnik is such a fucking loser omg. Reading his tweets and he is still dug in about not having fucked up sheesh. Why are people so unbelievably incapable of taking responsibility for their actions? Maybe it's just chess folks. They just can't seem to say sorry or admit they made a mistake, it's always looking for an excuse. Pathetic. 

Respect to Martinez for not losing his mind at this idiocy and for putting up with all that shit Kramnik pulled yuck what a complete clown. Saw even Bartholomew condemning it lmao. That dude never says anything bad and even he seemed angry.  💀💀

Pitter patter

Something about these rains. It's kinda gloomy and cold but also feels a bit beautiful. Hehe. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Read a statement today that made me think...

"Toxic households lack open and good communication."

This is true. People in them don't trust each other and simply hide or yell or try many ways to get their way but they won't be direct because they feel scared to. 


Should work towards a more wholesome environment 


Lmao. Who can I think of who would be like this?  🤭 Heh. Kinda just imagine that ass to be this exact same way. Made me laugh lots. 


Hehe. Apologising is tough for a lot of people, right. I love how Watterson has captured that here. He is a wonder. 
I need some sunshine and wind and running around in the grass


Whaaaat a cutie lmaoooooo. I love him so much. 

Dartmouth commencement 2024

Fuck I'm actually feeling humbled by his journey outside tennis this is wonderful. I love how grounded he is, how caring and how he takes his family forward. Just absolutely goated and how. Fuck dude. What an incredible man. And an incredible wife. I think that's so important. To have people who love you, believe in you and care for you. He says that too and it's amazing. I love it. 

Eastern grip for the forehand gotcha feddy ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Phenomenology of geist

What an interesting concept. Sometimes I feel people really had a lot of smart ideas but could have been lost over the years. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024


Watching the decline of Kramnik just feels sad like it's such a clown show now. Sometimes I wonder if the side effect of playing chess competitively renders people a bit crazy. Him, Hiki, that loser fabi with his inability to relate to non teens, idk. It's all really odd and immature. Kramnik is losing his mind, judging by his current tweets about alleging a chess com conspiracy for his losses 💀

Or is he just that big a man baby that he wants to make the world think he lost not cuz he sucks but cuz someone rigged it? 

Calling it a man baby is sort of underselling it tbh... It's simply not normal to be this way it's like going into adulthood kicking and screaming and he isn't even that old he is in his 40s 💀 

Wow, even Sadler is older than Kramnik like wtf. Yeah this behaviour is very disturbing. 

Heh. I was randomly seeing some vid of some woman at a hospital and I just felt like... Imagine if someone is mad at you when you need them and they just treat you badly right then? People are capable of all this. What kind of a life is it if you not only can't count on someone but you actually fear that the minute they don't get things their way, they'll just treat you badly? 

This is one of the fears I have in life. I end up coming across all these posts daily where people have such strange and cruelty filled reactions to each other. Spouses who don't come through, people who leave you or treat you badly when you are vulnerable and it makes me wonder how people are so flippant with each other?

I can't even imagine a loved one being in such a situation let alone ever, ever leaving their side. Man. I'd fucking fight the world for people I care about. And I just... Ugh. When I see these people taking their marriages so casually and thinking divorce for every small thing and what not... Like a part of me just feels like saying fuck you what kind of folks treat each other so badly and completely lack the human values to pull through for each other? You have just the one life and you want to spend it being such sad versions of yourselves?

I hope when the time comes, I end up with someone who does right by me and who I can do right by too. I want to take care of the man in my life, I want to bring peace and happiness in his world and in return I want to feel like I am valued by him, I am important to him and all that I do for him, for us... Is meaningful to him and he is more than happy to state that to me and about me. I don't ever want to be in a situation where I feel unimportant or overlooked by the person I love, so I hope when I do love someone... I choose the right man and he wins my heart by being genuinely nice to me. ♥️

I think I trust my intuition though. I seek above all else the knowledge that I feel emotionally secure and that's a feeling that only comes when a person actively makes you feel that way. Guys I've loved all had that in common and I'm certain that the guy I finally love above all else and all others will definitely be a man that makes me feel grounded and cared for. 


 Fuck finally he won omggggggg. 

I swear if he had tried another fancy shot I'd have lost my fucking mind lmao. Aaaaa. Couldn't stomach that wifebeater winning fuck. 


GG, vamos carlitossssss!

Istg I'd have wept real tears if that fucker Zverev had won fuck.

Saturday, June 8, 2024


I felt a bit of fear. I did. After a long time. I know it's silly to, but still for a moment I did. 

I want to be treated well, with softness and kindness and respect. Softness is paramount. So is respect. Even if I'm wrong about everything else, if he cared about me, he wouldn't have had a problem saying hi or have taken so long to do it. It should have been the first thing he thinks of doing, not the last. 

That's just all there is to it, really. And this realisation makes me very, very sad lol. And I feel so alienated too. Like giving me importance is the same as pulling teeth for him lol. He doesn't value me at all. And wants to show me that for some reason. Okay then, got it. All of this is just wrong behaviour. And definitely not good towards me. I don't know if all those people who say he doesn't care about people are right or not but in the end I can't unsee the fact that he is being deliberately mean to me. And I didn't even do anything to him so idk is it for fun? 🤷‍♀️ God knows. 


Heh. All of this is just saaaaad. 

Anyway blah. How long will I also give a shit, beyond a point all this behaviour just gets tiresome.


And I have to remember this. Being a woman, it's very important to be only around men who respect you. Not ones who want to strip you of your dignity or your pride or make you feel small and unimportant etc. And he is 41 now. That's a full grown man, and if he wants to make someone feels like they are nothing etc. etc. then it's just quite toxic tbh. 

As guys grow up, mature... They understand how to be nice, how to be there for you and at the end of the day you should feel safe. Not have someone just jump to treating you like you don't exist two years after knowing you. Destroying your sense of security on a whim, and not just that but to take offence at something random and then to go ballistic like this is very flippant. To do that to someone who has actively shown you value and care is just quite unreal. 

Like even thought of saying congrats yesterday then I realised hey that just gives him more opportunity to ignore me or keep me waiting or treat me badly and I realised right at that moment that I simply don't trust him anymore. Or rather, I trust that far from having my back and coming through for me, he would just use any opportunity to try and hurt me if he feels like it. I don't think he has any loyalty towards me. 

Hmmm. All the while I'm having this conversation with myself to order my thoughts, the fact is that after two years of being there for someone, that person didn't bother to once reach out on their own. 

So yeah, okay. I guess it's time to just accept he doesn't care about me at all. 


Friday, June 7, 2024

Worked out after 4 days wow what a difference. Whew. Lol. Everytime periods end it feels like a new lease on life 🤣. Nice 45 min bike ride and now it feels like all doom and gloom gone. Gotta lift those stupid weights but I don't wanna I hate them lol


Watching Alcaraz Sinner they are both so good. Hehe. Like them both but Sinner is a guy I'm starting to root for properly. I think I have a preference for calm, grounded people more and more. Something about the grinders is lovely.

And Sinner playing more drop shots than Alcaraz lmao. Too good. And those forehands holy fuck that speed and power 🥵🥵

Aaaaaa I'm sure this would be one for the ages. 5 setter with baby Alcaraz showing some insane skills for sure. SO HARD TO LIKE BOTH PLAYERS IT'S WEIRD TO NOT HAVE SOMEONE TO ROOT FOR.


"Victory belongs to the most tenacious" 

Yes, it does. 

Finally starting to love the new era of tennis .

Thursday, June 6, 2024

A gust of wind

I think it's time to relax a little bit in life. Just seeing the cold rains and feeling the breeze these days makes me feel like life is good, and there's a lot it has to offer. Should let go of all the negativity and all of it and simply chill and feel good. I want to feel happy and carefree. Heh. Random burdens I've been carrying and for what? It's just ghosts of a past left behind. Should they resurface, I'm more that capable of handling it, no need to feel like some cornered person lol. Hehe. Yeah. :) 

Gotta spend some time researching for the book too. Oh man... It would be nice to have an actual tome on my hands I think I'll love it. It can be my baby. Aaaand I wanna finish carrotland too lol. It's definitely something I love... I want these kinda folks in life haha. Soooo adorable and wholesome. 


Sometimes I'm stunned at how hilarious people are. 🤣💀


Hit 1900 bullet fuck. Tried for fucking ages and did it. 

Oof. Now someday rapid. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Used to draw lil hearts on the sand just to watch the waves wash them away. One big heart and few tiny ones next to it. 

Something I never shared with anyone cuz I thought it would be cringe to. Hehe. Oh wait, I did tell one person lol. But yeah. 

I love beaches. As much as mountains almost. 



Periods really draining me this time. I haven't felt this much tenderness in my body or such low energy before. Even now my lower abdomen feels tired ish. Hope by tomo I feel better


Such a beautiful way to film a vlog. Pewds

I love the serenity, peace and the love in it. It's actually like a time capsule. I like pewds, he seems like how men should be. Humble, sweet and loving. It's just nice to know guys like this exist tbh. 


Happy families are made of strong, reliable and loving people. People who respect each other and are able to come together as a unit that makes each other stronger and better. Men who don't respect women will never be able to create this, you will only be afraid of them and strive to shield any progeny you have from them and their temper. Shit. I can't even imagine how horrible it'll be to be with someone invalidating or uncaring while you are pregnant or something. So scary. Damn. Men can be very scary at times to be honest. 


As it rains outside, watching this just feels like a slice of heaven to me. And in a weird way also serves as a reminder for what should be my north star. ⭐

 Rains and cold air. How divine. ♥️♥️


 My dumbass friends ahhahahahh love ittt

As bad as I felt this time, one thing I realised very deeply is... Who even acts this way? Getting offended at some random thing, then trying to pretend like... Oh you mean nothing to me... I'm so above you yada yada... Like I'm sorry but why so toxic? Lol. I don't even treat people I dislike with such meanness, let alone people I like. And I would never treat a friend like that. 

All I know now is that I cannot be subjected to this stuff any longer, it's just too toxic and for what reason even? That's the sad part, there is no reason to be this way. 

Your insecurities are not of my making and someone who thinks it's okay to send that line about vns and ignoring small work I produce, then follows it up with this random urge to show me how meaningless I am isn't exactly someone who is remotely nice, lol. 

This is just finding weird ways to be mean. Or maybe this is just who you are? I refuse to be around someone who thinks it's okay to treat people badly. 

Ugh. See I hate writing that. I hate that I'm also in return thinking mean thoughts here. Idk. I guess so much of this behaviour mirrors A, that it not only puts me on edge, it also induces a lot of panic in me. I cannot and will not put myself in harm's way. And it's not my responsibility to hold space for someone who refuses to show me equality or kindness to be honest. 

The sad thing here is that we are both adults... A normal, trusting conversation should be all that's needed to understand each other but it cannot always be some herculean task to do it. Something is simply wrong here if it takes this long and this much effort for things that should actually be natural. 

Whatever... Let me not rationalize or try to ascribe good intent to behaviour that has been thus far so utterly dismissive and mean towards me. I'll take this as a lesson to never include anyone who doesn't show me equality in my life again. First time I actually have to spell this out but here we are, guess it takes all sorts to make up this world. Imagine having to actually spell out that you wanted decency and respect lol. Heh. 

Hehe. This realisation is so tragic, I just wanna laugh. 


Well, I don't want anything anymore... Nothing in the world is worth feeling this way. And someone who thinks it's okay to treat me like I'm some thief that needs to forcibly be held at the periphery of his life lest I take something is not worth knowing either. It's so malevolent and mean and again ... Why even? Fuck dude.  Like I'm sorry but what even is this behaviour? All like kramniks. His stupid ass trust issues aren't of my making and here I am paying the price like fuck that. Not compromising my self respect for the sake for being understanding of his issues either like why tf should I be on the receiving end of meanness when I didn't do a single wrong thing to him? Problem with people who have a mindset like this is that they think everyone else is a problem but won't ever see what they do wrong. Guess it's easier to blame others than look at your own self and correct that. 🙄