Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Saw this guy go for more bullet then realised this is the same person who is actively trying to show me I'm of no consequence to him for no rhyme or reason lol. And to think I was so supportive towards him always. Dunno why so mean but okay. Lol. 

Is being nice to me really so hard for him? Fuck man. Quite unreal. Heh... Feels like it's by far the last option and he would exhaust every other avenue before even considering it. Wow. So relentless in the quest to be mean. Pretty scary that someone can be so determined to hurt me though. Good I know that I suppose. 


Well, I guess I really know how to pick the nice ones huh? Lol... I just feel like laughing. 


Well, it is what it is. 🤷‍♀️

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