Saturday, June 15, 2024

Beyond good and evil

Many a times, I have lamented how deeply flawed a lot of philosophers seemed to me, simply cuz they have never taken into account a woman's perspective, but rather sought to simply discount it, or worse, overlook it by oversight because they are so goddamn full of themselves that it never occured to them to do so. 

So imagine my surprise when the first fucking chapter of Beyond good and evil just addresses that. 

Imagine my utter horror and deep feeling of regret and denial when the one fucking philosopher I hate on account of how much of an arrogant asshat he is, has this a point of consideration. 💀💀💀


Complete joke. 


I admire his brilliance but I hate his arrogant power mongering stupidity more. And yet he does go to the heart of the matter. Fucker.

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