Saturday, June 15, 2024


I saw one of the games this guy played with his friend. That rd7 move was fun looking. Idk why that boy didn't take with his bishop after saccing the knight though. Will have to check latah. Let me keep a screenshot.

Yeah I thought be6 makes more sense here, unless he wanted to open the rook's file? And you can try to prevent castling too. Hmmm. Idk.

Damn. It's so interesting  to know which move makes most sense here and why. I can't actually tell rn just by looking. 

This is a fun game, will check it properly later. I like this guy's games atleast he thinks stuff out and doesn't play like those other nincompoops whose games I saw. Weird that he is still not higher rated. I had always assumed he would be 2300-2400 range. That delver is good. Fuck... I had played just the one bullet game with him, got destroyed in 5s, took me 10s to even realise it and then that ass had the audacity to click rematch hahahaha. Oh man I was soooo mad. Pity he is a complete sex maniac, I got on well with him. If only he didn't have that weird sex obsession, we could have been friends tbh. But it makes me super uncomfortable to be subjected to that when I view someone as a friend. Or have that person tell me they want to impregnate me like wtf was he even thinking? Damn. Well, I hope he is doing well. I have literally never ghosted anyone as such, but I stopped talking to him within a day just because of this stuff. 

That, and my innate feeling of loyalty just kept telling me to stay away. So I did. Heh. I guess I would have sacced that potential friendship anyway, cuz something didn't feel right there. And I would never be disloyal to someone. 

And so it goes. 😅

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