Friday, June 21, 2024

Lmao. So many random realisations one after the other wtf. And here I wanted to just curl up in bed with a nice book and some juice to sip. 


I think it's a good idea to put all of this stuff out of my mind for good. No positives will come of any of it, it's best to just live my own life simply and enjoy myself and look forward to things I'm doing. I had fun going out yesterday too, and I think it's best to surround myself with people who make me feel happy. 

Yeah, let's just do that. I'm not even angry or any of that, I think all that stuff has just been squeezed out of me. Heh. That's nice. I don't like that mindspace and I don't like being mad at anyone and it's just best to keep to myself and protect myself, and do things I enjoy from now.

Hehe yeah, go back into the Agassi zone, that was lovely.  

And I need some more sleep and then maybe a workout and then even more sleep haha. Crazy schedule the past few days. Need to rest up good and recharge. 

Lol... I'm back to being at a point where I don't feel anything anymore. Cheers to that. 🥂 

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