Friday, June 14, 2024

Games I love

 Anand v Lautier 97

What an absolute monster of a game fuck just that next move is soooo cool. 

Ugh. Scandi got wrecked. 

Damn man... To be able to see so deep is crazy what a beast Anand is. I love and respect him so much. ♥️

The best part of him is not only the incredible level of experience and expertise he has gathered but the amount he has given back to chess. In a sea of players acting like complete jokes, he just stands so tall and silent and just does his work without craving anything. A true blue South Indian tbh. 

To me, a champion is more than just their skill -  it's their ethics, the morality and the behaviour they exemplify and honestly he really embodies so many qualities I respect, admire and wish to emulate. ♥️

Very humbling. 


Sometimes, it's just good to go back to the start. 

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