Thursday, June 13, 2024

Dunno if I read that right but if that dude quit his job to pursue chess full time then that's a bit crazy. Hope it was a joke lol. He is a funny dude, just keeps wanting to get in trouble. But then again, 20s are a time to be that way I suppose. 

Strange thing is... I don't know him personally tbh. But somehow I just feel sooo protective of him. And he can be a complete lunatic as well. Like some of the most vile shit I've heard has been spewed by him. But at the same time, I don't think I can dislike him, there's something so childlike about him. Ugh. This. H was right. I'm a total sucker for a sympathy scam. 💀


Man... I do hope he does well in life and finds real friends and good people. His dad was a shit role model, the dude he hangs out with is a shit role model too. Neither of those two men have ever respected women or treated them kindly. I hope he doesn't carry that forward. I feel bad when I realise that he actually simply doesn't have anyone in his life to show him decency and love tbh. And a lot of these values are learnt as kids so idk. But then his mum was nice so I hope between her and his granny he learnt how to be nice. I really hate men who hurt women and are unkind tbh. All this ego, anger, aggression, scaring them... Fuck. So bad. It must be so horrid for his mum. To be stuck in that kinda environment, wanting to protect yourself and your son and then she even passed away right. Like fuck dude. Entire life just went in that toxicity. Ugh. I guess one of the things I'm also clear on is to never be around men that are disrespectful and unkind. They always ruin your life. I hope he turns out good though. 

Hmmm. Tbh he used to actually be quite kind to that horrific lady too, so I'm assuming he is inherently nice. Atleast I'd like to really hope so. 

Fuck, I actually do care about him. Wtf. 

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