Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Beat a titled player wtf

Beat an IM at bullet what the actual fuck. 

Aaaa. And halfway through the game realised it's saying titled player and it threw me off and I blundered a rook lmao. Like bruh. Shit, should not have noticed it, would have played better tbh and tried to find better moves also. Felt like I had fallen asleep or was dreaming lmao. Or that he was hustling me lmao. Shiiit... I got so thrown by this pairing. Ordinarily I never glance at an opponent name or rating until after the game is done ugh. Even his pawns were better towards the end but fuck it. Haha. Stupid rook loss just made me scramble 

What in the world is happening and howww.


Done with chess for the day fuck this lmao. Too surreal. 

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