Saturday, June 15, 2024

Back to 1951 damn. It feels nice. Let me see how to get the next 20 points. Been able to beat intermittent 2000s and 1950+ guys so it should be doable. Ugh. Just wanna be 2000 man. It's been something I never even thought was possible. Hehe. Back then I was stuck in 1700s for fucking ages lmao. But I realise that a few tweaks are what change your rating from +-100. That's interesting. I think being able to think of opponent moves at every move is the key to breaking out of 1900s. Most know openings but collapse the minute you have to think of plans. So I'm assuming till 2050 that is what gets ironed out. Omg it'll be such fun once I get that right. I think real chess just begins at 2200+ maybe. Atleast games where you think of lines from the get go. Wow. But maybe that's why kids are good too, they learn the right way from the start.  All hypothesis, need someone to verify haha. Oh well. For the time being, just looking forward to improving a bit. ♥️

Okay 1963 max today zomg. Must be my highest ever. Hmmm. There's actually a whole lot of tactics in the middle game when the position is a bit unfamiliar but no time lol. Still, let me try my best. 


1969. Beat someone that's 2232 rapid and 1991 blitz. 🥺

Ugh my nerves are on edge now zomg. I should stop. 

The worst thing about wanting something is just this. You get nerves instead of simply viewing it as just another thing ugh. Stupid mentality needs to be stronger lmao. 

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