Saturday, June 1, 2024

Finally finished the series by that lady omg. Some of the stuff she called out really struck a cord. The bits about never being happy for you... Always turning the conversation into something about themselves. Dayum. That's very true. Like I remember once when I said I went for a run and this dude was like I walked 4 kms. I kept wondering why he turned everything into something about himself. 

The athlete that was talking to her said yeah I got the chance of a lifetime to represent the US in the Olympics and I shared it with my partner and the response was ... " I wish my career was going well ". Man, it's crazy how invalidating that must have been but also crazy that it can happen to a person like him. One of the things even I notice and register as a red flag now is who is happy for me and who acknowledges something I do, vs who doesn't. Esp when I was writing the stories it definitely made a difference in my mindset when I saw, but mostly my friends and family are great and they all came through hehe. 

The thing is... In isolation all these traits kinda seem childish, which they are. It's just like some kid that's unable to focus on anyone but themselves. But when you see it in adults it's scary. Like Rublev losing his mind on the courts. Just the idea that someone is thaaaat lacking in self control is so messed up. Even if tantrums are childish, seeing a grown man do it is another level of crazy. Pretty sure Rublev is a complete nutter too, much his kinda violent behaviour is absolutely a no no. 

Sometimes I feel like even people like bweh try therapy, will it ever make any difference? Cuz it this is who you are after having done it... Then what is there to even say? Like how much worse were you? 

To paraphrase that lady... Can't give someone congrats for making it from completely unhinged to somewhat unhinged lol. 

Hmmm. It is quite scary dude. Seeing Zverev's trial and Rublev behaving this way... Just feels like men with anger issues are best avoided. You can't love them or fix them, they'll just harm you. Was seeing the ball kid's reactions and I'm sure it's horrid to be faced with someone violent like that. Makes me wonder how much worse it must be for people who grow up in those households fuck. 

Okay don't want to think this early morning lol. Nvm. Fuck you rublev you complete nutjob

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