Sunday, June 23, 2024

Tweety bird

Lol. JB turning philosophical. I wonder what it is about twitter that makes people want to talk about life. I've noticed it a lot. I feel sometimes that it kinda acts like a thought for the day diary entry. It's weird to sometimes see my feed soooo full of philosophy from random people. That, and the influx of random crypto and alpha male dating advice bullshit threads. Fuck. The latter are so fucked up. Treat women this way and that, attract women who aren't attracted to you... The latter has been some trending topic I think. And it's so insulting to women like hey how do I shamelessly attempt to con you should be a better title. Still, I'd rather take a JB going grandpa anytime over the other toxic shit I keep seeing. I think their algo sucks it just keeps pushing random right wing content these days. Or maybe that's muskymans agenda now who tf knows that dude is a nutter.

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