Saturday, June 1, 2024

Hehe... I love their friendship. It's so wholesome. M and I always talk about how they are doing all the bullshit we do, and that we should cristen ourselves Merry. Heh. 

Waited for ages for this to be shipped, but now it's here and she loved it. Promised her I'll write one for her too someday haha. I loooove turning my friends into characters and writing something that brings out their innate goodness. It gives me a lot of joy especially as something about the act also helps me understand exactly how I view them. ♥️

I remember the one I wrote for S, that was one of the best ones. But he was also a great character, so quirky. And for so many over the years too. All of them loved it. 

I'll do a small series when I get time for her, or maybe try it as a comic strip of sorts. Hmmm. Okay, keeping a pin in it. 

I'm dying to actually read this cuz I know Ollie has a wonderful way with words but I haaave to stop myself. Curses!

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