Sunday, June 9, 2024


Watching the decline of Kramnik just feels sad like it's such a clown show now. Sometimes I wonder if the side effect of playing chess competitively renders people a bit crazy. Him, Hiki, that loser fabi with his inability to relate to non teens, idk. It's all really odd and immature. Kramnik is losing his mind, judging by his current tweets about alleging a chess com conspiracy for his losses 💀

Or is he just that big a man baby that he wants to make the world think he lost not cuz he sucks but cuz someone rigged it? 

Calling it a man baby is sort of underselling it tbh... It's simply not normal to be this way it's like going into adulthood kicking and screaming and he isn't even that old he is in his 40s 💀 

Wow, even Sadler is older than Kramnik like wtf. Yeah this behaviour is very disturbing. 

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