Monday, January 1, 2024


Watching a movie called Three of Us. Seeing a Hindi movie after so long. It's so sweet. All their equations are shown so beautifully. I love good cinematography and slow films sometimes. One of the things that struck me was when that lady comes to visit her childhood love, even he gets touched by the gesture and slowly starts writing more poetry, creating more art. It's such a subtle thought but I feel like it's true, some people just put you more in touch with your emotions and you want to create because life feels that much more beautiful. I've been writing so much more this past one year. I've had this blog for a decade, and not a single one of those years compelled me to write more than a handful of times each year. And in a strange way, this blog is a repository of who I am, who I used to be, the thoughts I thought over the years. I always meant for it to be the one space that keeps me honest, but I didn't realise the volume of writing would be something that would also be an indicator of significance. Interesting, huh? 

Dammit. Now I feel like reposting last night's rant lmaooo. Just sitting in my drafts all hidden. But then again, that is me too, hiding the strongest, most impulsive feelings. So why should it not be the same here? Yeah, I'll let it be. 

Heh. And I really love this movie. So soft. I like both the couple's and how cute their romantic moments are. I love such slow silent moments tbh. The inside jokes and the gentle way of just being there for each other. Good marriages are made of these. Absolutely divine. 

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