Sunday, December 31, 2023

Lmaooo. Why was I so emo yesterday? Haha. Weird. Over something sooo small, but I guess those tiny things are all I seek and when I don't even get those then I feel emo lol. Note to self: You're a total child at times, P. But it's okay to let yourself feel things if you do, just don't make it anyone else's problem that's all. :) 

And it's okay to want something small like someone wishing you on occasions on their own, or them texting you first and all that, it's not the end of the world. Lots of people do a whole lot more for people they care about. Not unreasonable to expect just a bit of unprompted care here and there. You don't have to spend your entire life thinking you don't deserve it or that someone wouldn't do it for you. :) And sometimes people show care in diff ways too, may not know this is what you want cuz it might seem insignificant to a lot of them. But it isn't insignificant in that it means something to you. 

awwie now I wanna self hug lol. 

And deleting that post cuz I don't wanna see such an emotional thing I'm so embarrassed by it rn oof. Still, I'm really good at hiding strong emotions and keeping them to myself na? Noone ever really knows me, lifetime of practice just hiding how I feel. Maybe that's why I have so much empathy for his lil sibling, we both have never felt too safe opening up about how we feel I guess, and learnt not to show it too. Heh. Alrighty, tis what tis. 

Okay gotta snooze more then let's go get some food. I am SO HUNGRYYY

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