Monday, January 22, 2024

So tired 😩

My eyes are refuuuusing to open ugh. Fucking hate that stupid beam of light on my face. 

Hello darkness my old friend. Where hast thou gone?

Ugh. I hope djoko loses today idk why I'm feeling spiteful towards him but fuck him

Edit: why is fritz's gf such a cartoon lmao. Just looks so funny. 

Ugh. Watching her make that dissatisfied face as fritz tries his best and is losing. What a bitch man. I haaaate people who act superior when they aren't even doing anything fuck what a complete ass of a human being. Yuck. So triggering she is. Idk where people get that arrogance from like good for nothing themselves, in the box because of him and acting all disappointed like she had anything to do with tennis at all 🤢🤮

Lmaooooo - " I am telling chandresh that I hate her and he is like why and I am like this is that moment where girls hate girls " 

Hahahhahah yessss. Exactlllyyyy right on cue hated the exact same thing I did hahahhah. Guys just don't get it sometimes. Only girls know other girls at times hahah

Edit2: wow... To win like this with such low energy against an opponent trying his best. Dayum djoko bow to thee. That scoreline doesn't reflect how intense the match was, truly. Whoa Kyrgios doing post match interview whyyyy...sheesh just go back to playing zomg. This must feel kinda sad to him ngl. 

Damn also saw a reel of Djoko signing the cast of a small kid oof. Okay my ovaries just melted. He was so nice to her ffs. I think my heart just belongs to men who are good with kids. Just makes me melt and love them and how. Even I'm not that good with kids but still seeing a guy do it is so special. 

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